2D Raycasting Visibility – Voxel Travelsal
Converted this AS3 2D raycast (by Lee Grey) to Unity javascript. (Image: raycast is coming from the middle, hits a wall..) Next: – Use grid array instead of reading pixels from image.. (done) – Try if this is faster compared to the old Raycast visibility […]
Simplex Noise
Converted this javascript noise to Unity js. It feels quite slow.. maybe trying to convert these noise generators next. Webplayer: nothing to see.. Source: (SimplexNoise.js) #pragma strict // http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8405526/javascript-simplex-perlin-noise private var size:int = 512; private var p:int[];// = new Array(size); private var permutation:int[]; private var […]
Radar Shader
Converted this shader to Unity. (again didnt came out the same as the original..but almost) Webplayer: http://unitycoder.com/upload/demos/radar_shader_unity/ Shader Source: // original shader: http://glsl.heroku.com/e#4190.1 // converted to unity – mgear – http://unitycoder.com/blog Shader "mShaders/Radar1" { Properties { tex ("Texture (RGB)", 2D) = "white" {} resolution("resolution", Vector) […]
Qix Prototype
Qix test : Qix (wikipedia), See gameplay video on c64 (youtube) Using the same c# floodfill from here (comments section). Diagonal movement not allowed (using part of this script from unifywiki) Still missing collisions, enemies etc. Just 1 bigger problem to think about: – How do […]
Trajectory Test Scene 2.0
Using trajectory script from unity answers, this is a test for the Rampart prototype.. Would be nice to add the trajectory preview line also (I think I’ve seen that in the forums..) and some randomness or wind? Red target mark is light projector, with custom […]
Voxel Resources & Engines for Unity
Making a list of Unity3D related voxel / marching cubes tutorials, engines, demos etc. (image on left is from wikipedia) (Feel free to comment if some useful links are missing) *First: Go vote on Unity Feedback to get Voxel Terrains FREE VOXEL ENGINES OR DEMOS […]
Fake Motion Blur Shader
Some quick test for making fake motion blur shader with unity indie.. (or more like a trail..would need to blur other parts also?) Currently its creating the “trail” based on distance.. (using velocity would make a difference?) Warning, Huge Limitations: – Shader example doesn’t have […]
Fake Blur Ideas for Unity Indie
Lets say we have a single colored mesh like in the image above and we want to blur it (with unity indie..).. Ideas to try: Glow effect shader? (no glow in indie..but can have something similar, doesnt work with planes yet..) Take screenshot of the […]
Fake Glow Effect Shader
Interesting fake glow shader for unity indie (its based on unity builtin shaders). (Right image has some linear fog enabled) Features: – Adjustable glow range, glow color, glow alpha – Only works well on spheres.. Problems: – Currently it only works when viewed from a […]
Rampart Prototype
Basic “seed fill” is now working (see the link for some info). Idea is to make small Rampart style test game. – Using alexzzz’s c# fast floodfill (see previous post comments section for source) – Area is now checked everytime you paint a pixel, if […]
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