Fake Blur Ideas for Unity Indie
Lets say we have a single colored mesh like in the image above and we want to blur it (with unity indie..)..
Ideas to try:
- Glow effect shader? (no glow in indie..but can have something similar, doesnt work with planes yet..)
- Take screenshot of the mesh, blur that image, use it as a texture on a plane..?
- Create special border geometry to the mesh & use vertex alpha?
- Duplicate the mesh few times, scale the copies bit bigger each, use particle or transparent shader?
- Texture map the mesh with blurred texture (that fades to transparent), might need to add “padding” on borders first to match the original size?
- Trail renderer? http://wiki.unity3d.com/index.php?title=Trail_Arc_Renderer
- Use fake motion blur or modify from it? http://forum.unity3d.com/threads/96487-Motion-Blur-on-the-non-pro-v-of-unity
- Draw GL.lines on mesh borders? (set some fading colors..kind of an extrude..?)
- Try this from asset store? If it works, then this would be easy solution! http://forum.unity3d.com/threads/109139-Image-Effects-for-Unity-FREE
- Use fake godrays shader? (your mesh would be plane, with the U shape as a texture..actually then it would be the same just to blur the texture)
- Use modified Fur shader?
- ..
(Only few of those would work, if we need to adjust the blur on the fly.. )
(1) : Glow effect shader
- Shader
- Realtime adjustable amount/range & color
- Doesnt work with planes yet..
(3) : Create special border geometry to the mesh & use vertex alpha
- Create extra geometry on the mesh borders
- Set new border vertice alpha to transparent
- Use some vertex color with alpha shader : http://wiki.unity3d.com/index.php?title=AlphaVertexColor
- Works quite nicely
<- Unity screenshot – click image to view full size (ps. the fade/”blur” should be outer, not inner, its just a quick test..)
(more later..)
(11) : Use modified Fur shader
- I guess its quite heavy with multiple passes..
- Test image, works with planes:
(click to view full size)
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