Fake Motion Blur Shader
Some quick test for making fake motion blur shader with unity indie.. (or more like a trail..would need to blur other parts also?)
Currently its creating the “trail” based on distance.. (using velocity would make a difference?)
Warning, Huge Limitations:
– Shader example doesn’t have any textures (you would need to copy the vertex shader code to your own shader)
– Example script(js) follows mouse only, to follow an object, you need to modify it
Source available:
1Eur [digishop id=”11″]
– Includes: Shader, Example Scene (same as webplayer) **Remember that this is only tested with default sphere mesh, other objects would cause problems.
image#2: using Ethan mesh (blur goes to wrong direction and broken otherwise too)
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Kinda upset with this website. The source will always be available later, later, later… but later never comes…..
There are new sources every month, most of these are just quick tests and they would need “cleaning up” before posting.
*Also if someone just wants the source right away, no matter what condition it is, they can donate & request.
hiya just stumbled on this website, nice i like unity tech demo’s 🙂
this one is a 404!
It crashes with Unity 3.5.7.f6…Why?
I would like to see how the scene is done…
I emailed you the sources, the scene seems to hang unity 3.5.x, but works on 4.x.
Is it working with skinned meshes?
Added screenshot from the unity samples assets Ethan mesh, not really working.. (would need big modifications to support textures, get correct “blur” direction etc..)
Object Motion Blur GLSL shader help:
this is just scaling and transparency right? that actually pretty clever
basically yes, vertices are moved in the shader to “lag behind” and then transparency adjusted (for those vertices)
GPU gem 3 Motion blur shader