How to use Stopwatch in javascript
With stopwatch you can check how long some function takes.. More info: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.diagnostics.stopwatch.aspx
Flood Fill Algorithm
Converted this c# flood fill algorithm to unityscript. Using list, instead of that queue thing and modified it to work with grid array, instead of bitmap colors.. Bit too slow, if I want to try big grid.. maybe 4096×4096. (wont be using setpixel on that, […]
360 Panorama Reflection Shader
Tried to convert this webgl shader to unity.. but its not working yet. Webplayer: http://unitycoder.com/upload/demos/360ReflectionShader_unity/ (v2.0) Download Source: (webplayer scene) 360panoramaFakeReflection.unityPackage Source v1.0 (broken): – Can anyone spot what could be the problem..or are the textures just wrong? I have no idea about those matrix […]
Radial Blur Shader
Using the same godrays shader, you get nice radial blur effect for images. This one is also modified to use objectUV, instead of screenUV, so you can rotate the plane around.. Webplayer: http://unitycoder.com/upload/demos/Radial_Blur_shader_unity/ *webplayer broken in current unity webplayer version? Shader source:
Fake Godrays Shader
Godrays shader on a plane texture.. since no RenderToTexturein indie. ( Converted to unity from this webgl shader) Should try it as a camera shader also.. Features: – Adjustable values: effect xy position, exposure, decay, density, weight, clamp, samples (screenshot is using 100 samples) Webplayer: […]
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