Marching Tetrahedrons
Tried to convert this marching tetrahedrons (by Mikola Lysenko) to Unity Javascript.. but its not working yet (^ that should be a sphere..)
Source (bugged, see the original source above and try to fix this?..Oo )
** See comments section for fixed version
//#pragma strict
import System.Collections.Generic;
var res = new Array(3);
private var grid:float[] = new float[8];
private var cube_vertices = [
, [1,0,0]
, [1,1,0]
, [0,1,0]
, [0,0,1]
, [1,0,1]
, [1,1,1]
, [0,1,1] ];
private var x:int[] = new int[3];
private var vertices:List.
private var faces:List.
function Awake ()
function Start ()
var verts:Vector3[] = MarchingTetrahedra(makeVolume(),res);
var triangles : int[] = faces.ToArray();
for (var n=0;n
t = g0 / t;
for(var i=0; i<3; ++i) {
v[i] += p0[i] + t * (p1[i] - p0[i]);
vertices.Add(new Vector3(v[0],v[1],v[2]));
return vertices.Count - 1;
function makeVolume()
var dims = [[-1.0, 1.0, 0.25],
[-1.0, 1.0, 0.25],
[-1.0, 1.0, 0.25]];
for(var i1=0; i1<3; ++i1) {
res[i1] = 2 + Mathf.Ceil((dims[i1][1] - dims[i1][0]) / dims[i1][2]);
var volume = new Array(res[0] * res[1] * res[2]);
var n:int = 0;
var zz:float=dims[2][0]-dims[2][2];
for(var k=0; k
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Bugged source added.. place it to gameobject with MeshFilter & MeshRenderer.
Fantastic Demonstration WebGl Thing there! the “naive surface nets” are AWESOME also.
here is a link to some great 3d shapes “Gyroids” which i didnt understand
awesome website as always!
I just copied this code into new scene, put it on a GameObject with mesh renderer, everything apparently runs all right but I can’t see any mesh at all. The scene is blank, the GameObject doesn’t present any mesh or texture. it’s strange!?
hey it’s okay, I had put mesh filter and no mesh renderer! Thanks!
I have made some progress- instead of calculating a sphere, I separately calculated XY and Z as a plane.
The X-formulas seem to have calculated okay
The Y and Z seem to be bugged
instead of xx+yy+zz-1 in the last line of code
I put x-1
I had a little poke around and fixed a few triangles.
(didnt notice the download arrow button at first..its there at bottom right 🙂
Hi there,
Iam a little bit late for this amazing party, just found your port of marching tetra. But I saw that you also have a screenshot of surface nets in unity, can you share it?
Thanks a lot 🙂
Yes, can you please share your surface nets implementation? It shouldn’t be too hard to write, though.. so if you’re unwilling to share, maybe I’ll write it and share it.
There’s a JS implemenation of surface nets perhaps here: https://0fps.net/2012/07/12/smooth-voxel-terrain-part-2/ …. … https://github.com/mikolalysenko/mikolalysenko.github.com/blob/master/Isosurface/js/surfacenets.js github addy…
To voxelize an ISO, i know a bunch of methods… depends if you want to solid fill with cubes or put cubes on the iso border spaces. * SurfaceNets in JavaScript
* Written by Mikola Lysenko (C) 2012 if you run it in Unity please share your conversion!