Marching Tetrahedrons
Tried to convert this marching tetrahedrons (by Mikola Lysenko) to Unity Javascript.. but its not working yet (^ that should be a sphere..)
Source (bugged, see the original source above and try to fix this?..Oo )
** See comments section for fixed version
//#pragma strict
import System.Collections.Generic;
var res = new Array(3);
private var grid:float[] = new float[8];
private var cube_vertices = [
, [1,0,0]
, [1,1,0]
, [0,1,0]
, [0,0,1]
, [1,0,1]
, [1,1,1]
, [0,1,1] ];
private var x:int[] = new int[3];
private var vertices:List.
private var faces:List.
function Awake ()
function Start ()
var verts:Vector3[] = MarchingTetrahedra(makeVolume(),res);
var triangles : int[] = faces.ToArray();
for (var n=0;n
t = g0 / t;
for(var i=0; i<3; ++i) {
v[i] += p0[i] + t * (p1[i] - p0[i]);
vertices.Add(new Vector3(v[0],v[1],v[2]));
return vertices.Count - 1;
function makeVolume()
var dims = [[-1.0, 1.0, 0.25],
[-1.0, 1.0, 0.25],
[-1.0, 1.0, 0.25]];
for(var i1=0; i1<3; ++i1) {
res[i1] = 2 + Mathf.Ceil((dims[i1][1] - dims[i1][0]) / dims[i1][2]);
var volume = new Array(res[0] * res[1] * res[2]);
var n:int = 0;
var zz:float=dims[2][0]-dims[2][2];
for(var k=0; k
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Bugged source added.. place it to gameobject with MeshFilter & MeshRenderer.
Fantastic Demonstration WebGl Thing there! the “naive surface nets” are AWESOME also.
here is a link to some great 3d shapes “Gyroids” which i didnt understand
awesome website as always!
I just copied this code into new scene, put it on a GameObject with mesh renderer, everything apparently runs all right but I can’t see any mesh at all. The scene is blank, the GameObject doesn’t present any mesh or texture. it’s strange!?
hey it’s okay, I had put mesh filter and no mesh renderer! Thanks!
I have made some progress- instead of calculating a sphere, I separately calculated XY and Z as a plane.
The X-formulas seem to have calculated okay
The Y and Z seem to be bugged
instead of xx+yy+zz-1 in the last line of code
I put x-1
I had a little poke around and fixed a few triangles.
(didnt notice the download arrow button at first..its there at bottom right
Hi there,
Iam a little bit late for this amazing party, just found your port of marching tetra. But I saw that you also have a screenshot of surface nets in unity, can you share it?
Thanks a lot
Yes, can you please share your surface nets implementation? It shouldn’t be too hard to write, though.. so if you’re unwilling to share, maybe I’ll write it and share it.
There’s a JS implemenation of surface nets perhaps here: https://0fps.net/2012/07/12/smooth-voxel-terrain-part-2/ …. … https://github.com/mikolalysenko/mikolalysenko.github.com/blob/master/Isosurface/js/surfacenets.js github addy…
To voxelize an ISO, i know a bunch of methods… depends if you want to solid fill with cubes or put cubes on the iso border spaces. * SurfaceNets in JavaScript
* Written by Mikola Lysenko (C) 2012 if you run it in Unity please share your conversion!