First impressions using UnityVS
Been using UnityVS some days now (only for simple scripting), heres few notes about it. *adding more notes later.
(you can get a free trial version from here)
Good Stuff:
– Real autocomplete! (for unityscript also!)
– AutoComplete.
– Autocompl… yes, it saves a lot of time when you dont have to check every command from the unity documentation (which usually doesnt help much anyway..)
– When saving a script in VisualStudio, it instantly starts compiling in Unity (instead of the usual Alt-Tab jumping around and waiting for the compilation to start..)
– You can use VisualStudio macros, snippets etc.
– Object browser (see image #2), view all the commands/functions available!
– Best for C# (with unityscript theres still some annoyances)
– ..more later
Needs fixing:
– Sometimes scripts wont open, no matter how many times you double click them
– Cannot have Webplayer as current build platform
– Documentation bit lacking (for example, not much info what to do when things dont work..)
– Sometimes autocomplete is too “aggressive”, especially in unityscript (you try to type: “private var mapsize:int”, the int gets autocompleted with “InteractiveCloth”)
– Random hangs when quitting unity
– By default Visual studio doesnt have the common useful shortcuts, like: ctrl+d (duplicate line), F1 for scripting documentation, etc. Have to build your own macros.
Image#2: Object browser
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Here’s something: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2279000/visual-studio-short-cut-key-duplicate-line
Founded something similar also,
still need to make/edit the macro where can select part of the line, and duplicate that in the same line..
Thanks for sharing that.
What about debugging functionnalities ? Did you tried it ? That’s what I was mainly interested in
Havent tried it yet..
There was update available to unityVS and it seems to fix most of those random hangs & script not opening problems.
The random hangs when quitting unity have been fixed in a beta version. Ask them to receive the new beta and give it a try.
Some grammar: I see you sometimes say “founded”. That is wrong. It should be “found”.
Thanks, i’ll do that 🙂 my english is bit broken ><
Useful plugin for visual studio:
Displays indent guides in Visual Studio text editor windows
“Microsoft acquires SyntaxTree, creator of UnityVS plugin for Visual Studio”
“we will make UnityVS itself free for download on the VS Professional and higher SKUs”