Unity 4.2!
*Unity 4.2 splash image (took few tries to catch it with printscreen..Oo)
Whats new:
Most interesting on first look (for me at least)
– Free Basic licenses
– Free directional light shadows (one directional light only; hard shadows only)
– Shuriken: Collision event callback scripting interface
– Now free: NavMesh baking
Unity 4.2 – Particle Collision callbacks
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uniScite is missing from the installer..oww, luckily had unity4 beta still installed, under “\Editor\Data\Tools\UniSciTE” you have the “UniSciTE.exe”.
In the forums someone said to install Sublime Text, http://www.sublimetext.com/2 ..hmm just need to find some proper color scheme for it..
*installed this autocomplete system: https://github.com/oferei/sublime-unity-completions
(but it seems to offer bit too much keywords..also doesnt give any options after pressing “.”)
4.3 release notes *almost visible*
“” Rod Lopez about his talk at Unite 2013:
“Get an early peek at what’s coming up in visual quality in Unity: physically-based shading out-of-the-box, more complete lighting data, new approaches to building shaders and what’s new in ShaderLab. If you are into shading, artistic workflow or realism and like pretty pictures, don’t miss my session!”
Check the whole schedule: http://bit.ly/unite2013schedule “”
That particle callback demo is here: