Mesh Terrain Texturing/SplatMap Tool (wip)
Small editor plugin for creating splatmap/splatmask for mesh based terrain. (not terrain object) Current features: – Create splatmap based on face angles (adjustable slope angles) – Texture painting (paint to any layer R, G, B, A) – Obstacle detection (if collider is founded on mesh, […]
Ludum Dare#27 : Lost Pixel
Ludum Dare 27 compo entry. (cancelled that Asteroid Attack after ~1 day, then made this one instead in 4-5hrs..) Play from here: http://www.ludumdare.com/compo/ludum-dare-27/?action=preview&uid=27533 — Image#2: Game view
LudumDare27 : Asteroid Attack (wip)
Might post this to LudumDare27 jam, if have time to finish it.. (main image: start menu, shader effect on background image) It’s simple space game with exploding asteroids (unless get some better ideas, name is still un-decided also) Current version: – Kind of stuck with […]
CustomPropertyDrawer in C#
Unable to find any complete _and_ working basic C# example of custom propertyDrawer usage.. Oo? (adding some example here once I find/get it working..) Resources: – Intro on PropertyDrawers : http://blogs.unity3d.com/2012/09/07/property-drawers-in-unity-4/ (but getting lots of errors from those samples.. “The type or namespace name `Popup’ […]
Unity Docs MiddleMouseButton New Tab
Unity “broke” the documentation in some update..cannot middle mouse button click them to open in new tab.. http://forum.unity3d.com/threads/193569-Script-documentation-doesn-t-allow-opening-links-in-new-tab-%28ctrl-or-middle-click%29 While waiting for the fix here’s small GreaseMonkey plugin userscript (firefox) : – It fixes the links for middle mouse button (so that they open in new […]
Scorched Earth Terrain (wip)
This is another thing that i’ve always wanted to try in Unity, Scorched Earth deformable collapsing terrain (youtube link). Ideas: 1 – Using SetPixels() with texture would most likely be easiest, just slow on bigger resolutions (but no need high resolution for this anyways?) 2 […]
[AssetStore] Scene Object Isolator
This one got just accepted, small helper utility. “Isolator” is a simple Unity editor plugin for isolating the selected object(s) (by hiding others). ReadMe: (pdf) README_Isolator1_web.pdf *Edit: Works in GAME vindow, not in SCENE view (seems like it would need some manual redraw or update […]
Procedural Tree Mesh Generator (wip)
Small test for doing procedural trees.. (screenshot showing trunk with resolution 8 and 5 sides..) Current features: – Trunk creation: adjustable height, height segments, resolution (amount of “sides”) – Using quads – Perlin noise rotations for trunk direction – Adjustable root segment radius multiplier (so […]
Fake Realtime Shadows With Surface Shader (v2.0)
New realtime dynamic super version of the “Fake Realtime Shadows With Surface Shader“! Webplayer: http://unitycoder.com/upload/demos/FakeShadowShaderUnity/ — Image#2: Purpose was to make 2D shadow casting..but resolution is not good enough.. — Image#3: Or actually DX11 (#pragma target 5.0) gives extra ‘power’:
FOV Using Recursive Shadowcasting
Converted this script to unity: FOV Using Recursive Shadowcasting, for a quick test.. Instructions: – Attach the script to a plane – use Unlit/Texture shader as material (then no need lights..) – Move main camera so that it sees the plane TODO: – Use this […]
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Recent Comments
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