Pixel Art Editor Plugin (wip)
** New version is being worked on here: http://unitycoder.com/blog/2015/01/13/assetstore-unipix-pixel-art-tool/
Havent find any good pixel graphics editors.. so started making a simple pixel art editor plugin (meant only for maximum 32×32 sized images). (Screenshot showing first test, 16×16 image, 32x zoom, small preview on the right side.. no colors yet)
I have tried these free ones already, but none of them really has all the necessary features in one, or they are just not user friendly enough..
– D-Pixel
– Pixothello
– Asesprite
– Graphics Gale
– IcoFX (not free anymore)
– Grafx2
– ..
Current features of “UniPixel” (working name)
– Editor plugin
– Can draw with 3 mouse buttons (right click to erase!)
– Canvas with adjustable zoom
– Canvas background grid, with adjustable light and dark colors
– Preview (real size)
– Grid lines
– Toolbar (with shortcut keys also)
– Somekind of settings? (for grid colors, image size, filename?)
– Saving
– Loading
– Layers
– Floodfill
– Gradients
– Color picker
– Color palette
– Undo
– Mirror/flip/scroll canvas
– Live preview toggle
– Automatic black borders layer
– Problem: If you save image with File.WriteAllBytes(), how do you know when saving is done and file is ready (without sleeping / looping)? (because you would need to set image import settings to filtermode.point, but it will try too early..) ** For now, using loop with try catch..
– Problem: Drawing lines in EditorWindow.. this (drawline) is the only way? Oo..
– Building the GUI/UI is *too painful*..i guess have to make GUI builder/editor first, unless there are some in store?
Image#2: first tests, can see the texture in scene/game view also (if its already assigned to some material) – live previews after save! (some errors appear when pressing play, editorwindow gets reseted?)
Image#3: Flood fill works, also Loading, Saving, Save copy, Clear. (toolbar still needs work..)
Image#4: Color picker, Extra previews with black and white backgrounds, mousewheel for lighten/darken color, middle mouse button for pixel color pick..
Image#5: Automatic black borders layer toggle, image scrolling.. (huh, unity gui is not fun when you would need to place lots of elements.. have to redesign the UI later completely)
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Sprites + Normal Maps + Lights = !!!
About pixel art workflow (pixel snapping)
some new external pixel editor:
another pixel editor:
Where can I get this? Is it available?
Got tired of the unity GUI last time..no progress after that,
and might have to re-write big parts of the code to make it cleaner & support zooming..
but i guess I could add “early access with bugs”-download for few dollars if someone wants to play with it,
i’ll try to do that soon.
did check this, but would need bit more work as it didnt use sprites at this time yet.. so bit delayed for now.
now re-doing it: http://unitycoder.com/blog/2015/01/13/assetstore-unipix-pixel-art-tool/