River Mesh Generator
Testing river mesh generation,
idea is from forum topic: http://forum.unity3d.com/threads/225561-Is-there-any-way-to-have-a-river-flow-without-flow-maps?p=1502875
– Start point, length, width, segment length, adjustable x-position (middle of the river), in the screenshot using Mathf.Cos(#)
– Each piece/segment has UV (0,0 to 1,1) so can scroll the texture to Y direction..
– Terrain editor plugin (to dig river in unity terrain object)
– Would need better water shader..
– Start of the river bit bugged
– Tried baking flow direction to vertex colors, but couldnt get the angles right..
– Visible tiling on slices (depends on shader used.. but should blend them somehow)
– vertical segment start and end have duplicate vertices, not needed..
Image#2: mesh geometry, made from 4 vertices per segment
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Hey there, I accidently stumbled on this blog while looking at ways to place grass procedurally on a terrain.
I’m the one who started the thread on the unity forums, I wanted to let you know I decided to go with a flowmap finally the results are much more impressive. You can take a look at the web player here: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/234357896/UnityBuilds.html
After clicking on Start Game you’ll be able to generate terrains and rivers (tick off trees and rocks for faster processing)
If you’re interested I can send you the tools I used to create the flowmap. The problem is my river shape isn’t good compared to yours. I used the shader in this package: http://scrawkblog.com/2013/12/12/tiled-directional-flow-in-unity/
thanks for the unity shader link, actually had tried to get some ideas from that original shader here, but it didnt work that time:
your game looks very nice, kind of reminds me of Settlers (the first one was a good game)..
sure, i’d be interested to have a look (i can send my river code, still it’s only using Sin/Cos for that shape.. maybe perlin noise would give some more interesting shapes)
my email is here: http://unitycoder.com/blog/requests/
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