
“Your APK does not seem to be designed for tablets”


Uploaded Android .APK to Google Play, but getting this message:

“Design your app for tablets: Your APK does not seem to be designed for tablets.”

Tested (didn’t help)

  • Tried modifying 7″ and 10″ screenshots: no effect // (some pages said that if there is too much empty space in the image, you get these warnings)
  • Tried adding bigger screenshots 1280×800 for 7″, 1920×1080 for 10″
  • AndroidManifest.xml has:
    <supports-screens android:smallScreens="true" android:normalScreens="true" android:largeScreens="true" android:xlargeScreens="true" android:anyDensity="true" />
  • Tried publishing with different Minimum API level (from 9 to 18)
  • Modified AndroidManifest.xml to have android:minSdkVersion=”11″ (it was 9)
  • Tried publish settings, Texture compression (Override): ETC1, ETC2
  • Tried Override icons for Android
  • Tried resizing icon file to 144×144 (it was 128×128)
  • Added this to AndroidManifest.xml (shouldnt be related to this problem though)
    <uses-feature android:name="android.hardware.telephony" android:required="false" />
  • Tried removing “<supports-screens…” completely
  • Tried adding “android:requiresSmallestWidthDp="72"” to “<supports-screens…”
  • Set “uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion=”14″” and “android:targetSdkVersion=”14″” (was 11 & 14)
  • Adding these lines increased screenlayouts amount, but didnt remove the warning..
  • Created completely empty scene (in same project), moved Plugins/ folder away (it had the admob + AndroidManifest), no difference.
  • There was a 2nd AndroidManifest.xml under “Plugins\Android\google-play-services_lib\”, changed that also to <uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion=”13″/> (was 9)
  • ..

Other things to try:


– Just ignore the warning.. (link)
– Also it does display 3729 supported devices (tablets are listed there)
– ps. Here is the published app:

Links: (but not exact working solutions on these so far..?)

Other errors/warnings:

“Design your app for 7-inch tablets.
You uploaded screenshots for 7-inch tablets, but your APK does not seem to be designed for 7-inch tablets.”


“Your Production APK needs to meet the following criteria:
Your layout should make use of the available space on tablets.”

6 Comments + Add Comment

  • I had the same problem a couple of days ago, tried almost the same things you tried, but no luck. I can confirm that despite that warning, the game is being seen and installed on 10″ tablets (tried it myself).

    • thanks, good to hear that!

  • Same thing on my side. I was about to start experimenting many of the tips you listed as unhelpful, at least I’ll save that time.
    I have tested it on a 8” tablet and it installs without problem, the only downside here is having “designed for phones” right in the store page.

  • We had the same problem with a new app and a existing app in the play market. When we updates the screenshots with ones with more whitespace in it, we tot the message. We created new screenshots and the message was gone. If nothing works, it’s all based on whitespace calculating.

  • I have the same problem on only one of my games on the play store!
    after several attempts unresolved problem I don’t understand the games are all the same

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