2D Visibility / Shadow
Started converting this 2D visibility/light script ( http://ncase.me/sight-and-light/ ) to unity, finally some progress!
btw. lines are drawn using GLDebug from : http://www.unity3d-france.com/unity/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=24&t=5409
Unity forum thread: http://forum.unity3d.com/threads/2d-visibility-shadow-free.275698/
– Quad segments are currently crossed..
– Fix mesh generation *Temporary fix: insert extra boxes outside the view..
– Source cleaning up
– Publish to github
– Optimize
– Some documentation
– Try raster version (bresenham + floodfill)
– Support for moving objects
– Sprite support (but unity indie has quad sprite mesh, no tight mesh generation..needs extra script to generate helper points for sprite image edges..?)
– Better system for finding edge segments
– …
– 20 obstacles (~80 vertices) : ~45-50ms per frame (in editor, with slow’ish pc)
http://unitycoder.com/upload/demos/2DVisibility/v1/ (v1, still broken)
http://unitycoder.com/upload/demos/2DVisibility/v2/ (v2, almost done)
https://github.com/unitycoder/2DShadow (Please help improving the code!)
Previous attempt:
Shadow casting 2D : http://unitycoder.com/blog/2014/02/10/shadow-casting-2d/ (using pseudo angles, unfinished
Image#2: Few problems fixed, mesh still broken..somehow cannot make the light vertices go in to “correct” world space(?)
Image#3: Mesh fixed, but still starts “stretching” when mouse moves away from center..
Image#4: Good enough..(added hidden boxes outside the view, to avoid broken mesh *hidden box idea from denamond)
Image#5: Current profiler view, gets quite slow with many objects..need to start optimizing
Image#6: Testing visibility with Martt’s dual camera depth mask system (see the 2nd sphere is partly hidden)
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Hey, did you ever get around to releasing the code to this, I would be really interested?
yeah, very soon (inital versio is ready for github, just didnt have the time yet : )
Cheers mate, I appreciate it!
Its alive: https://github.com/unitycoder/2DShadow
Hi, the source files in GitHub looks broken (the total size is 37 kb).
Man, thanks for your great contribution for indies developers.
Github zip looks ok, its quite small since there are no images, not much code either etc. (that image#6 demo is not included, as it was just quickly hacked together…needs work/cleaning up)
You’re a genius man! Everything is working with no errors, just wanted to know where the scripts go and how I make the scene. Thanks again, so much!
2D Dynamic Lights and Shadows (free, works with sprites)
Hi mgear, i’ve try to get effect like –> Image#6: Testing visibility with Martt’s dual camera depth mask system — > but i can’t get it.
can you send me a little help ?
I downloaded his demo package,
And removed all the extras, expect the dual camera system.
thanks man, but I still can not get it,. Can you post the project file and see what I am doing wrong?
This one has nice features!
2D Light of Sight:
2D per pixel shadow maps:
VLS2D is a 2D light creation system:
vishull2d (Computes the visible region from a point for a given environment represented by a collection of line segments) *javascript (not unity):
Damn man, i love you. Amazing work!
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