
using Visual Studio Community 2013 (Free) with Unity


“Visual Studio Community 2013 A Full-Featured IDE – FREE” (link)

Some notes what it took to make it work (was pretty easy)

Installing Visual Studio Community 2013 (FREE!)
–    Download:
–    Install (you can leave out those extras)
–    Restart
–    Start visual studio
–    Sign in
–    [x] Create visual studio online account (optional, but could be useful later,  more info: , free for 5 users)
–    Development settings: General
–    Color scheme: Dark (well anything works)
–    Can close it now
–    Start Unity
–  ** You dont need to do these next steps if you will install VS Tools also **
–    Go to Edit / Preferences / External Tools
–    External script editor, click “browse..” from the dropdown
–    Find Visual Studio Community exe, default location is at: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\Common7\IDE\devenv.exe
–    Test opening some script
–    Yay it works! (and even clicking error codes in console takes you to the correct line)


VS TOOLS FOR UNITY (previously UnityVs, so you can use Debugging and maybe there are other benefits also??)
–    Download (I took 2013 version: (or check )
–    Then copy “Visual Studio 2013 Tools.unitypackage” from “C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio Tools for Unity\2013\” into your Unity Standard packages folder (so that its easy to import)
–    Standard Packages folder is usually somewhere like “C:\Program Files (x86)\Unity4\Editor\Standard Packages\” (It contains the other unity standard packages also)
–    You need to restart unity for it to show up in the Import Package list
–    Done!


–    Start Unity
–    Import “Visual Studio 2013 Tools.unitypackage” (right click in Project window, Import Package / Visual Studio 2013 Tools”
–    New Menu item appears: Visual Studio Tools
–    Menu: Visual Studio Tools / Generate Project Files (not sure what it does, but why not..)
–    Menu: Visual Studio Tools / Configuration
–    Activate [x] Open scripts with Visual Studio
–    Now open some script by double clicking it
–    Visual Studio Community should open (for me it didn’t open the script on first run, had to double click script file again)
–    Now Debugging should work: In Visual Studio, select menu: Debug  / Attach Unity Debugger
–    Then select unity instance (displays the project name)
–    Insert breakpoint somewhere in code (by clicking the left border of script editor window, left side to line numbers)

*To enable line numbers in VS, type “line numbers” (without quotes) in the Quick Launch search box, then enable [x] Line numbers from that settings page


– Scripting API keywords search on keypress (like in monodev)
– ctrl+D for duplicate line (like in uniscite)

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