Error: Android SDK is outdated
Got this error message on building .apk:
“Android SDK is outdated
SDK Build Tools version 19.1 < 21”
And in the console:
“Error building Player: CommandInvokationFailure: Unable to update the SDK. Please run the SDK Manager manually to make sure you have the latest set of tools and the required platforms installed. ..”
What didnt work:
– Trying to update components in the SDK manager (even if downloaded all package updates) *I had previously used “adt-bundle-windows-x86_64-20131030”
– Download latest standalone SDK tools : https://developer.android.com/sdk/index.html#Other
– Install it, assign that folder as android SDK, in unity, Edit/Preferences/External tools/Android SDK location (select the root folder)
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On another pc had to update Java, assign that as JDK:
And restart adb.exe, otherwise Build & Run didnt work..
> adb kill-server
> adb start-server
I was able to solve the exact same error message by just updating the build tools using the SDK Manager first section “Tools”. You can check the .\build-tools sub-directory to see which version of the build tools are installed. I was on 19.1 just as unity had detected.
That did the trick for me. Been trying to work this out for ages. Thank you!
Now why on earth don’t the BuildTools update inline with installed SDK versions?! 🙂
Identify which android market app is downloaded
if you used android stdio befor that check ‘C’ or ‘D’ usly is c:\Users\”your user name”\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk then on Unity change it by the same path Edit/Preferences/External tools/Android SDK location (select the root folder)