
Error: Android SDK is outdated


Got this error message on building .apk:

“Android SDK is outdated
SDK Build Tools version 19.1 < 21”

And in the console:
“Error building Player: CommandInvokationFailure: Unable to update the SDK. Please run the SDK Manager manually to make sure you have the latest set of tools and the required platforms installed. ..”

What didnt work:
– Trying to update components in the SDK manager (even if downloaded all package updates) *I had previously used “adt-bundle-windows-x86_64-20131030”

– Download latest standalone SDK tools :
– Install it, assign that folder as android SDK, in unity, Edit/Preferences/External tools/Android SDK location (select the root folder)


5 Comments + Add Comment

  • On another pc had to update Java, assign that as JDK:

    And restart adb.exe, otherwise Build & Run didnt work..
    > adb kill-server
    > adb start-server

  • I was able to solve the exact same error message by just updating the build tools using the SDK Manager first section “Tools”. You can check the .\build-tools sub-directory to see which version of the build tools are installed. I was on 19.1 just as unity had detected.

    • That did the trick for me. Been trying to work this out for ages. Thank you!

      Now why on earth don’t the BuildTools update inline with installed SDK versions?! 🙂

  • if you used android stdio befor that check ‘C’ or ‘D’ usly is c:\Users\”your user name”\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk then on Unity change it by the same path Edit/Preferences/External tools/Android SDK location (select the root folder)

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