Game Jam Template Project
Started collecting useful scripts & building template scenes for Game Jams (like http://ludumdare.com/compo/ ) Sources: https://github.com/unitycoder/GameJamTemplate There is not much stuff yet, so follow the repository to receive updates. * Feel free to post issues, request & submit fixes or scripts there to improve the […]
Opaque Sprite Shader
(screenshot of modified shader properties in debug view mode) Modified built-in sprite shader so that its opaque, no color tint, and pixel snap is always on. Just to test if there are any performance benefits to use them for opaque sprite tiles, at least the […]
Surface Snapping in Editor
These snapping features are super useful! Note that if you have “Pivot” enabled instead of “Center”, it snaps from the center of the sphere instead. Surface Snapping While dragging in the center using the Translate Tool, you can hold Shift and Control (Command on Mac) […]
Unity 5.x Cookbook Discount Voucher
Received a special discount coupon from Packt Publishing! 50% discount for Unity 5.x Cookbook (~570 pages, c#) Discount code: UNITYC50 * Valid only from 12th – 26th November 2015 (UK Time) * Extended period: Until 16th Dec 2015 Link: http://bit.ly/1lhSZJO
TerrainToolkit [fork]
Forked the old TerrainToolkit from https://code.google.com/p/unityterraintoolkit/ to github: https://github.com/unitycoder/unityterraintoolkit Fixed some old scripts so that it works in Unity 5.x, still many warnings but at least can use it.. This plugin is useful for simple terrain generation, applying erosion to the terrain and textureing based on heights.
[LeapMotionJam] Happy Little Painter
Quick entry for Leap Motion Jam.. Happy Little Painter 🙂 Download here for PC (*LeapMotion controller is required to play this) http://itch.io/jam/leapmotion3djam/rate/42579 Github link for intructions, reporting bugs or feature requests: https://github.com/unitycoder/HappyLittlePainterLeapMotion Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/leapmotion/comments/3s5nlz/happy_little_painter_3djam_leap_painter/
Turreteer [game prototype]
Small test game again, made with free assets from Unity asset store 🙂 ( and freesound.org ) Featuring big explosions (using free Detonator plugin, and ragdoll effect with free Universal ragdoll plugin), Tanks, soldiers, even airplanes can be shot down. Download: (pc exe) http://unitycoder-com.itch.io/theturreteer Website: […]
Leap Motion: Get Finger Position & Direction
Took a while to find info on how to simply get the Leap hand finger positions in unity, here’s cleaned up script to draw rays from fingertips to their pointing direction. This file contains bidirectional Unicode text that may be interpreted or compiled differently […]
UnitySVG fork
SVG to Bitmap converter. Forked this repository while ago: https://github.com/MrJoy/UnitySVG “UnitySVG is a library for reading SVG files and producing Texture2D objects from them at runtime” Updated few scripts so that it runs in Unity 5.x, there would be still things to fix, but atleast it […]
Recent posts
- MotionVector Effect: Object “disappears” when paused
- [GreaseMonkey] Unity Forum Fixer
- UnityHub: Make Hub application background Translucent
- Customize SpriteShapeRenderer quality (but has issues)
- Editor tool: Copy selected gameobject’s names into clipboard as rows (for Excel)
- Editor tool: Replace string in selected gameobject’s names
- UnityHub: Enable built-in Login Dialog (no more browser login/logout issues!)
- Use TikTok-TTS in Unity (with WebRequest)
- Create Scene Thumbnail Image using OnSceneSaved & OnPreviewGUI
- webgl+javascript TTS
- Using Moonsharp (LUA) + Unity Webgl
- Using 3D gameobject prefabs with Unity Tilemap + NavMesh Surface
Recent Comments
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- [Asset Store] Point Cloud Viewer & Tools on
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- UnityHub: Make Hub application background Translucent on
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