(Free) Runtime Text To Speech Plugin

Needed simple TTS plugin for a small unity windows game that i’m working on.. I know asset store has few, but they seem to rely on Windows Speech platform voices, and one plugin that was completely standalone didnt really have good enough speech quality..
First i tried to use Mozilla-TTS (to generate voice files in advance), but it was impossible to get it to compile due to some weird tricks needed. Then found espeak-ng, which seems good enough quality and already had dotnet wrapper available! I Compiled speak dll with VisualStudio, had few issues with the wrapper, but got them fixed – compare Client.cs with the original. Next issue was DLL kept crashing, fixed it by using DLLManipulator.
Unity project:
See github issues for known issues and ideas to improve this.
Now outputs to AudioSource component, thanks to updates from @autious fork.
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So cool. What platforms does this work on? IOS? Android?
not tested, but pretty sure that the DLL doesnt work on those platforms. (and especially because of using the DLLManipulator, which needs to read dll file from specific folder or so).
Better use those paid asset store versions, they work on many platforms.
¿It is possible to change the language?
try this
Will this work offline? If not recommend other.
Actually, need offline TTS.
yes, its offline.
list of alternatives