mGroundDigger v1.0
Small test for (fake) digging (2D) ground plane and walking inside the cave. Boulderdash anyone? Info: – Collision checker & mouse hit could be refined..now using just few points for checking – Should be possible to add stone, cannot dig through it – You could […]
mVertexShadows 1.0 (fake)
Testing (fake) vertex shadows (while waiting for unity pro..maybe someday?) In the webplayer the light is directional, not pointlight. So it looks like the shadow is not casted from the light direction. (only direction of the light is taken, not position) But you could use […]
mParticles v2.1 (3ds Max particle animation importer)
Particle animation exporter/importer for 3dsMax to Unity3D Could be useful for all kind of effects. Webplayer: http://unitycoder.com/upload/demos/mParticles1/ Download source: Source will be available for a download later (unless I can make it good enough for asset store..not very likely, since this system has its limitations..) […]
WIP: Maze Generator (editor script)
MazeGenerator Editor script (actual maze algorithm from here) Current status: – Some problems with collisions(?) – 100×100 is ok, 500×500 hangs unity.. – Note that it can build a good maze, but some problems with those plane collisions (it creates invidual mesh planes for the […]
Draw mandelbrot on a plane texture
Mandelbrot plotter converted to unity from this source: http://rosettacode.org/wiki/Mandelbrot_set You can increase the resolution by adjusting texture widht & height. Webplayer: http://unitycoder.com/upload/demos/mmandelbrot1/ (nothing much to see, it just draws the mandelbrot on a plane at function start()) Download source + webplayer scene: mandelbrot.unityPackage
FractalTree v1.0 (2D)
2D Fractaltrees using linerenderer. Converted Unity version from this source: http://rosettacode.org/wiki/Fractal_tree#JavaScript Webplayer: http://unitycoder.com/upload/demos/mfractaltree1/ Source download: http://www.mediafire.com/?eps34pa47ieklxx Lots of room for optimisation, since now its using separate gameobject+linerenderer for each branch.. Example images using different linerenderer materials (currently commented out in the source, you need to […]
Painting holes with shader v2.0
mHolePainter v2.0 (just a test/concept demo..) Using a shader from http://www.unifycommunity.com/wiki/index.php?title=Dissolve_With_Texture we can make “holes” in the material using texture. Then just add drawing into that “hole” texture and we have a hole-painter! Added to this version is: – You can fill the holes by […]
Painting holes with shader v1.0
mHolePainter v1.0 Using a shader from http://www.unifycommunity.com/wiki/index.php?title=Dissolve_With_Texture we can paint “holes” to the cutout texture. Webplayer: http://unitycoder.com/upload/demos/mholepainter1/ Download: mHolePainter1.UnityPackage
Latitude Longitude on 3D sphere
Testing sphere (earth), with latitude longitude positions. (Texture is just thrown in there and sphere is rotated 197′ to get roughly correct positions, tested atleast few cities) Maybe could use this with GeoIP, News location plotting, Weather news plotter, GPS data, Twitter, GoogleMaps api etc..? […]
Fake Mesh Slicer v3.0
Testing different technique – Capsule (but bit too low poly & capsulecollider not so good for this..) – ‘Infinity plane’ for cutting ( http://unity3d.com/support/documenta…nce/Plane.html ) – Using “Plane.GetSide” to check which side the vertex is – if its above cutplane, move it down with distance […]
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