Shader Z-Fight Offset
(screenshot with Quad mesh placed on top of Plane with raycast hit.point) If you want to use Raycast hit.point to place quad on a flat surface, it will most likely create Z fighting issue.. You could add position offset by hit.point+Vector3(0,0.1f,0), Or use modified shader […]
Shader error: cannot map expression to vertex shader instruction
Had a strange looking error today: Turns out it was just that the function which was called inside vertex shader, was below the vertex shader, so just moved it above the v2f vert (appdata v) and it works.. *Actually it was more complicated: This one […]
Best Unity Github Repositories [+giveaway]
List of best public GitHub repositories: IMAGE EFFECTS Image effects collection – https://github.com/makoto-unity/OneStepEffects Filmic Tonemapping – https://github.com/kode80/UnityEffects SSAO – https://github.com/keijiro/KinoObscurance Bloom – https://github.com/keijiro/KinoBloom SMAA – https://github.com/Chman/SMAA-Unity Screen water drop, Blur, Oil Paint, Pixel, Color- https://github.com/QianMo/Awesome-Unity-Shader ANTIALIAS Temporal Reprojection Anti-Aliasing – https://github.com/playdeadgames/temporal Subpixel Morphological Antialiasing (SMAA) […]
Useful Settings for Visual Studio 2015 + Unity
Finally installed VisualStudio with unity, 2015 community edition (update 1) seems pretty good so far (new monodevelop was too bugged..) Here’s some common settings to go look for when customizing the vs editor. — SOURCE CODE MINIMAP Quick launch command: scroll bars (select text editor […]
Surface Snapping in Editor
These snapping features are super useful! Note that if you have “Pivot” enabled instead of “Center”, it snaps from the center of the sphere instead. Surface Snapping While dragging in the center using the Translate Tool, you can hold Shift and Control (Command on Mac) […]
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