Adding Multiple Submit Keys to Input Manager
Had to make an UI button clickable by multiple different keyboard keys (like enter, space, left/right shift etc.) And almost started writing custom script to handle extra keys when selecting UI button.. but then realized that you can duplicate Input Manager keys, and sure enough […]
DllNotFoundException: libnuitrack – nuitrack.NativeNuitrack.Init
Briefly tested https://nuitrack.com/ in unity, and had this error when trying to run examples: DllNotFoundException: libnuitrack nuitrack.NativeNuitrack.Init (System.String config) nuitrack.Nuitrack.Init (System.String config, NuitrackMode mode) NuitrackManager.NuitrackInit () (at Assets/NuitrackSDK/Nuitrack/NuitrackManager.cs:218) NuitrackManager.Awake () (at Assets/NuitrackSDK/Nuitrack/NuitrackManager.cs:117) There is a thread about it in nuitrack forums, https://community.nuitrack.com/t/dllnotfoundexception-libnuitrack/562/23 and the solution […]
Sprite Sheet Flip Book Shader
Converted this old animated sprite sheet script into shader, its useful for animating sprites from sprite sheet. (when Animator is too heavy for simple sprite animation) Could be extended to have billboard option. Shader source: *Updated: 30/11/18 to fix index wrapping and UV direction https://github.com/UnityCommunity/UnityLibrary/blob/master/Assets/Shaders/2D/Sprites/FlipBook.shader […]
Use adb logcat with Colors
Had problems finding some Debug.LogError messages in the android logcat output, so googled around and sure enough you can enable output colors easily! Just add -v color parameter: adb logcat -s Unity ActivityManager PackageManager dalvikvm DEBUG -v color Note: Default windows Command Prompt doesn’t support […]
Find Nearby Objects using CullingGroup
Saw this tip at #UniteKL18, fast way to get nearby objects using CullingGroup! (main image with 5000 gameobjects, searching objects within 3m radius) example source code: https://github.com/UnityCommunity/UnityLibrary/blob/master/Assets/Scripts/Docs/UnityEngine/CullingGroupExample.cs my example project: https://github.com/unitycoder/GetNearestObjectsWithCullingGroup Some notes on that: – You need to have MainCamera in the scene (as […]
HSV Debugging and Color Match Shader
Quick test for color matching using shader, by converting colors into HSV and comparing target color with h-s-v threshold values. See Shader source at the bottom. (main image: Changing target color, shows inverted color for the texture in that matching hue position) Shader has different […]
[External Tool] Search Text In Files
I couldn’t find a simple free tool for searching text in files.. so had to make one : / Seems to work well enough already, main just using it for searching unity builtin shader sources 🙂 Still few features to be added.. Sources & Download […]
Convolution Filter Test
Quick test for simple convolution filter with unity Texture2D (using c# script, not shader) Source project: https://github.com/unitycoder/ConvolutionFilter
Browser Plugin: Stay in Old Asset Store
Small snippet to use with GreaseMonkey-plugin, will stop old & short url asset store links from re-directing into that horrible new asset store! *New v2: Now automatically redirects from new horrible store to good old store AND keeps the asset page! This file contains bidirectional […]
Faster Debug.Log
Debug.Log() slows down your editor or even hangs if it happens to run inside some long loop, but you can make it faster by disabling stacktrace from Debug.Log()! (see image above) Tested for-loop with 100000 iterations in editor (Unity 2018.1.6f1) – 25000ms with stacktrace enabled […]
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