Painting with Compute Shader
Finally tested compute shaders for drawing into render texture:
Drawing 2D lines and Adding Collider to it
Hi awesome reader! In our past tutorial “How to Draw Line” we discussed about drawing a line in the game by mouse interaction. But sometimes we need to draw a line that collides with our game objects in 2D mode. So we need to add […]
Drawing Lines
Hi dear reader! In this tutorial we want to learn how to draw a line in unity by user mouse movement and interaction. First we need a component that would be able to render simple lines. Our choice is Line Renderer, this component is able […]
[Shader] Draw World Space UI Always On Top
If you want to draw UI in VR (for example Google Cardboard), it doesn’t support ScreenSpace rendermode in canvas.. So all the UI’s are using WorldSpace RenderMode.. which causes issues when UI goes behind geometry. Fix: You can modify UI shader to disable ZTest Shader […]
Increase Terrain Detail Draw Distance in Editor
Its quite annoying how the grass fades in editor (since 250 is the maximum view distance in Terrain settings), but you can force the draw distance higher with simple script whichs runs in editor References: http://docs.unity3d.com/ScriptReference/Terrain-detailObjectDistance.html http://docs.unity3d.com/ScriptReference/ExecuteInEditMode.html Sample code: *Note this runs with Update loop […]
[Asset Store] Mobile Paint *now free
Simple touch paint program, optimized for mobiles. — Github: https://github.com/unitycoder/UnityMobilePaint Asset Store *Deprecated: https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/tools/integration/mobile-paint-19803?aid=1101lGti Forum thread: http://forum.unity3d.com/threads/released-mobile-paint-with-multi-touch.262645/ — Latest Update: 26/10/2018, this is now free in asset store! Current features: List below is not updated, use Github Issues instead : https://github.com/unitycoder/UnityMobilePaint/issues – Optimized pixel drawing – […]
Pixel Art Editor Plugin (wip)
** New version is being worked on here: http://unitycoder.com/blog/2015/01/13/assetstore-unipix-pixel-art-tool/ Havent find any good pixel graphics editors.. so started making a simple pixel art editor plugin (meant only for maximum 32×32 sized images). (Screenshot showing first test, 16×16 image, 32x zoom, small preview on the right […]
Painting holes with shader v1.0
mHolePainter v1.0 Using a shader from http://www.unifycommunity.com/wiki/index.php?title=Dissolve_With_Texture we can paint “holes” to the cutout texture. Webplayer: http://unitycoder.com/upload/demos/mholepainter1/ Download: mHolePainter1.UnityPackage
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