Mesh Melt shader test
Quick test for melting mesh effect using vertex extrusion shader Gif anim preview: http://pasteboard.co/1QARh81p.gif Forum topic: http://forum.unity3d.com/threads/has-anyone-ever-written-a-mesh-melter.311135/ Info: – C# Script adjusts mesh vertex colors, based on the distance to heat point gameobject – Then shader pushes(extrudes) vertices based on that vertex color (alpha) – […]
GUI Transition Effects [open source]
Published simple starter script/plugin for making GUITexture effects (currently just movement transitions). Sources: https://github.com/unitycoder/PoorMansGuiFx *Feel free to suggest/push updates there Webplayer http://unitycoder.com/upload/demos/PoormansGUIFx/ Forum thread: http://forum.unity3d.com/threads/247553-Free-Simple-GUITexture-GUIText-transition-effects TODO: – Make it simpler to use: maybe custom inspector for effect dropdowns, movement direction etc. – Events? Event chaining..(after […]
Explosion Effect (shader)
Testing some big explosion effect with shader. Still missing most particle effects.. Info: – Vertex extrusion using noise texture & timer/distance.. – Explosion cloud + shockwave is from particle system Webplayer: http://unitycoder.com/upload/demos/ExplosionEffectShader/ Reference: Armageddon (explosions) video : http://youtu.be/Tq4o-B5vWYk?t=2m25s Shader source:
Explosion Heatwave Distortion (unity indie)
Fullscreen heat/explosion distortion effect shader+script [View animated gif] Info: – No rendertextures used, works with unity indie, (but slower of course) – Could be possible to have multiple heatwaves on screen.. (not tested yet) – In the webplayer its bit slow moving, too strong effect […]
Underwater test
Wanted to make underwater caustics effects with projector, but it failed / doesnt work yet.. Its still missing the animated caustics, water surface is not animated, small bokeh planktons and all that.. no time to finish it now, just got a new idea for 3D […]
Animated Clouds Shader + SkyDome
Testing (fake) animated clouds shader & 3d skydome.. actually looks quite nice already! (original shader is from some dx11 c++ tutorials) Info v1.0: – Scrolling seamless cloud texture + perlin texture (shader) – Skydome 3D mesh (UV mapping is bit broken, its mirrored on the […]
How to make GUITexture to flash white
(Been busy doing a small 3D simulator for iPad3..) Customer wanted a thunder sound on the main menu (when entering it), I also added a brigth flash effect for the gui textures (logo, buttons, background). Flash also needs to happen at a given time (to […]
X-Ray / CutOut Shader With Mouse
X-Ray (or kind of CutOut) Shader With Mouse (using mousecursor position inside shader, compared with worldPos distance) Interesting effect.. took a while to get transparency working with 2 sided surface shader, always had the problem that faces were drawn in wrong order (back side of […]
mParticleFX v1.0 (update #1)
Testing particle effects.. – Read particle colors from bitmap image – Add some movement effects 19.11.2011: Added webplayer demo Webplayer: http://unitycoder.com/upload/demos/mparticlefx1/ Download source: (.js) Messy & bugged webplayer package: mParticleFx1.unitypackage
Vortex test
Quick vortex test.. related to this topic: http://forum.unity3d.com/threads/102240-Water-Vortex-Effect. (the model is just normal spindle, which is twisted in the middle..) webplayer: http://unitycoder.com/upload/demos/mvortex1/ download: mVortexOld.unityPackage
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