Fire Effect Using CustomRenderTexture
Converted this fire effect (by The Coding Train) into unity customrendertexture + shader. Added fire gradient color (by moving the fire calculation into alpha channel). Unity Project Sources https://github.com/unitycoder/FireEffect References CustomRenderTexture (was added to unity in 2017.1) https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/CustomRenderTextures.html Keijiros example project (reaction-diffusion) https://github.com/keijiro/RDSystem Fire Effect […]
Explosion Effect (shader)
Testing some big explosion effect with shader. Still missing most particle effects.. Info: – Vertex extrusion using noise texture & timer/distance.. – Explosion cloud + shockwave is from particle system Webplayer: http://unitycoder.com/upload/demos/ExplosionEffectShader/ Reference: Armageddon (explosions) video : http://youtu.be/Tq4o-B5vWYk?t=2m25s Shader source:
Water Shader Test (from 3ds max shader)
Tried to convert this .fx shader to unity, almost works, but not quite the same yet.. Webplayer: http://unitycoder.com/upload/demos/3dsmaxwatershader_unity1/ Download source: maxWater5.unityPackage
Underwater test
Wanted to make underwater caustics effects with projector, but it failed / doesnt work yet.. Its still missing the animated caustics, water surface is not animated, small bokeh planktons and all that.. no time to finish it now, just got a new idea for 3D […]
Old Film FX Shader
Converted from webgl shaders (source at devmaster.net). This should be nice as a camera shader? Adjustable parameters in shader: – SepiaValue, NoiseValue, ScratchValue, InnerVignetting, OuterVignetting, RandomValue, TimeLapse Original barn image: http://www.cgtextures.com/texview.php?id=12170 Webplayer: http://unitycoder.com/upload/demos/OldFilmShader1/ Readme pdf: README_OldFilmFx_Shader_web Purchase: (unity package) 0.50 eur [digishop id=”15″] *unitypackage is […]
Deflector (proto)
Delfector concept demo..(kind of) Play the original game here > http://c64s.com/game/809/deflektor/ Webplayer: (flash) http://unitycoder.com/upload/demos/mDeflectorProto1/ *Lens flare seems to be bugged in flash player.. Download source: coming later..
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