[LudumDare53] Delivery
Well at least got something published for the jam:https://ldjam.com/events/ludum-dare/53/whups-tmTotal working time was ~7hrs. Wheeljoint2D looks interesting, just would have to learn how to setup good values.. Making of videos: (1/6)
[LudumDare52] Theme: Harvest
Small bot programming game, sadly has only 2 commands to use in this initial version.. ldjam entry:https://ldjam.com/events/ludum-dare/52/harvest-bot Making Of video:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1B7P3mS4_i4 Ideas for future (if want to extend this later..)– More features (sensor to direction, shoot, enemies, destroyable objects )– Play against other bots in same […]
Probably Not Quite Accurate Judo-Wrestling Simulator’2022
Saturday game idea project, 2 player physics and joints battle!Published under company account here:https://kelobyte.itch.io/probably-not-quite-accurate-judo-wrestling-simulator *free download
[Sources] Unfinished 2D Snooker test
Uploaded sources for this old unfinished 2D pool scene. Its using GL extension to draw “debug” lines (works in runtime also) , and 2D circlecast to find predicted collision lines. Sources:https://github.com/unitycoder/Snooker2D
[LudumDare37] One Room
Some progress in the LD37 jam, see webgl demo below! Screenshot above is showing grid movement and enemy cube following the player.. Current idea is – Small single dungeon room that you have to survive and do *something*..? — WebGL player: https://unitycoder.com/upload/demos/LD37/webgl/ LD Entry: http://ludumdare.com/compo/ludum-dare-37/?action=preview&uid=27533 […]
Publishing to Android TV
Quite meaningless “tutorial”, as it was too easy to build .apk to android TV from unity.. 🙂 BUILD APK – Build android .apk as usual (i used all the default settings for testing.. just enter your company name and bundle identifier) – Apparently these should […]
[LudumDare34] Growing, Two Button Controls
Tried 2-3 different ideas first, but both were horrible (and tried to fit both themes to the game) then finally started on this on sunday – at least its playable.. >< LudumDare entry: http://ludumdare.com/compo/ludum-dare-34/?action=preview&uid=27533 — Game view:
Game Jam Template Project
Started collecting useful scripts & building template scenes for Game Jams (like http://ludumdare.com/compo/ ) Sources: https://github.com/unitycoder/GameJamTemplate There is not much stuff yet, so follow the repository to receive updates. * Feel free to post issues, request & submit fixes or scripts there to improve the […]
[LeapMotionJam] Happy Little Painter
Quick entry for Leap Motion Jam.. Happy Little Painter 🙂 Download here for PC (*LeapMotion controller is required to play this) http://itch.io/jam/leapmotion3djam/rate/42579 Github link for intructions, reporting bugs or feature requests: https://github.com/unitycoder/HappyLittlePainterLeapMotion Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/leapmotion/comments/3s5nlz/happy_little_painter_3djam_leap_painter/
Turreteer [game prototype]
Small test game again, made with free assets from Unity asset store 🙂 ( and freesound.org ) Featuring big explosions (using free Detonator plugin, and ragdoll effect with free Universal ragdoll plugin), Tanks, soldiers, even airplanes can be shot down. Download: (pc exe) http://unitycoder-com.itch.io/theturreteer Website: […]
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