[LudumDare53] Delivery
Well at least got something published for the jam:https://ldjam.com/events/ludum-dare/53/whups-tmTotal working time was ~7hrs. Wheeljoint2D looks interesting, just would have to learn how to setup good values.. Making of videos: (1/6)
[LudumDare37] One Room
Some progress in the LD37 jam, see webgl demo below! Screenshot above is showing grid movement and enemy cube following the player.. Current idea is – Small single dungeon room that you have to survive and do *something*..? — WebGL player: https://unitycoder.com/upload/demos/LD37/webgl/ LD Entry: http://ludumdare.com/compo/ludum-dare-37/?action=preview&uid=27533 […]
[LudumDare34] Growing, Two Button Controls
Tried 2-3 different ideas first, but both were horrible (and tried to fit both themes to the game) then finally started on this on sunday – at least its playable.. >< LudumDare entry: http://ludumdare.com/compo/ludum-dare-34/?action=preview&uid=27533 — Game view:
[LeapMotionJam] Happy Little Painter
Quick entry for Leap Motion Jam.. Happy Little Painter 🙂 Download here for PC (*LeapMotion controller is required to play this) http://itch.io/jam/leapmotion3djam/rate/42579 Github link for intructions, reporting bugs or feature requests: https://github.com/unitycoder/HappyLittlePainterLeapMotion Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/leapmotion/comments/3s5nlz/happy_little_painter_3djam_leap_painter/
[LudumDare32] An Unconventional Weapon
Going for the #LDJam again: http://ludumdare.com/compo/ Unity forum LD topic: LudumDare32 — Webplayer / WebGL: http://ludumdare.com/compo/ludum-dare-32/?action=preview&uid=27533 *Note: Chrome has disabled webplayer plugin, copy paste this into url field to enable: chrome://flags/#enable-npapi Download standalone: PC : https://www.dropbox.com/s/k5mi3z03udsvgf3/GraviSniper1.zip?dl=0 Mac : https://www.dropbox.com/s/2go5imll0g5h3zp/GraviSniper_mac.zip?dl=0 Linux : https://www.dropbox.com/s/k5mi3z03udsvgf3/GraviSniper1.zip?dl=0 — RESOURCES […]
MiniLudumDare46 : Shark Jam
Well..at least something 🙂 Time spend: ~5-7hrs Game entry page: http://www.ludumdare.com/compo/minild-46/?action=preview&uid=27533 Credits: sounds: http://www.freesound.org shark model: http://cg.tutsplus.com/series/create-a-realistic-shark-in-3d-studio-max some graphics: http://graphicburger.com — Other versions, cancelled / failed: Version#1: Shark Attack, you would had controlled shark and eaten people floating on the sea.. — Version#2: Falling Shark, […]
Shroud of the Avatar Unity Scene Jam #3
Again didn’t have time to do much.. (spend about 4-6hrs on this). All the assets are free from AssetStore, just made the terrain and placed buildings, forest, added some effects.. Webplayer: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/227470828/index.html *70mb — Image#2:
Shroud of the Avatar Unity Scene Jam #1
Took part in SotA scene jam.. Had quite many problems with the scene and just sent it quite unfinished.. – About 8-10 total hours spend (most of it struggling with world machine terrain and terrain texturing/trees..) – Used only free assets and scripts – Didnt […]
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