Ray-traced Fake Soft Shadows (Shader)
Mooore fake shadows testing! (based on direct3D shaders) Info: – Works with unity indie/free! – Just a shader with sphere intersect function (so it basically only works with spheres..) – Point light & sphere positions are sent to the shader – Each sphere requires invidual […]
Shader Forge resources & shaders
Adding list of Shader Forge related tutorials / shaders here. (Main image is created using this UDK Metal tutorial, check it in metal webplayer) Get Shader Forge from AssetStore, its easy to use! (and works with unity free/indie also) https://www.assetstore.unity3d.com/#!/content/14147?aid=1101lGti UNITY SHADER FORGE RESOURCES (node […]
Rusted Metal Shader From Blender
Converted this Blender rust material shader to Unity surface shader, looks ok.. Created the bumpmap in unity editor (copy rust texture, convert to normal map from grayscale), had problems trying to do it inside shader (from diffuse texture to o.Normal).. Progress: – Founded some info […]
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