Drawing Lines
Hi dear reader! In this tutorial we want to learn how to draw a line in unity by user mouse movement and interaction. First we need a component that would be able to render simple lines. Our choice is Line Renderer, this component is able […]
Trajectory Test Scene 2.0
Using trajectory script from unity answers, this is a test for the Rampart prototype.. Would be nice to add the trajectory preview line also (I think I’ve seen that in the forums..) and some randomness or wind? Red target mark is light projector, with custom […]
Camera Panning
Testing camera pan (hold button down, pan view..) Actually the code is 99% from here: Angry Spheres.. Current features: – Pan with left mouse button (would be better with middle..or when holding space down) – This is “global panning” (z is locked), not taking account […]
X-Ray / CutOut Shader With Mouse
X-Ray (or kind of CutOut) Shader With Mouse (using mousecursor position inside shader, compared with worldPos distance) Interesting effect.. took a while to get transparency working with 2 sided surface shader, always had the problem that faces were drawn in wrong order (back side of […]
Object placement & pickup with mouse
Testing.. related to this topic: http://forum.unity3d.com/threads/118581-Placing-object-on-mouse-down Controls: Left mouse button, place object While placing object, hold mousebutton down to keep moving the object With left mouse button, you can pick previously added objects (hold button down to move them) Webplayer: (flash) http://unitycoder.com/upload/demos/mMousePlacementPick1/ Download example scene: […]
AngrySpheres (test.1)
Shooting balls by dragging with mouse (click left button down for startpoint and drag away, then release for endpoint) Webplayer: (flash) http://unitycoder.com/upload/demos/mAngrySpheres1/ Download source: mAngrySpheres10.unitypackage
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