Pong-Wars in Unity
Converted this javascript thing into unity c#https://github.com/vnglst/pong-wars source code: *might have some bugs still (and not optimized at all).https://gist.github.com/unitycoder/a10c215ec9c477ff0e04c964dff3208f usage:– attach script to Quad with Unlit material– assign some soundclip or disable the audio in code making of video:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EP5QwyGdN70
Pixel grass with rounded edges effect
(click image to view) related forum topic for inspiration: http://forum.unity3d.com/threads/round-edges-of-pixel-art.308402/ steps: 🙂 – Use cutout shader (and have the texture filter mode as bilinear – its already that by default)
[AssetStore] UniPix : Pixel Art Tool (wip)
Started re-writing this unfinished UniPix, hopefully first version will be in the asset store soon’ish..(as in this month (January)) AssetStore link: https://www.assetstore.unity3d.com/#!/content/28312?aid=1101lGti Forum thread: (coming later) V1.0 Features – Basic pixel painting – Floodfill – Save, Save incremental – Image panning (up/down/right/left) – Basic palette […]
Pixel Art Editor Plugin (wip)
** New version is being worked on here: http://unitycoder.com/blog/2015/01/13/assetstore-unipix-pixel-art-tool/ Havent find any good pixel graphics editors.. so started making a simple pixel art editor plugin (meant only for maximum 32×32 sized images). (Screenshot showing first test, 16×16 image, 32x zoom, small preview on the right […]
Ludum Dare#27 : Lost Pixel
Ludum Dare 27 compo entry. (cancelled that Asteroid Attack after ~1 day, then made this one instead in 4-5hrs..) Play from here: http://www.ludumdare.com/compo/ludum-dare-27/?action=preview&uid=27533 — Image#2: Game view
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