[Beginner] Instantiate objects at random positions
**This is our first guest post, simple beginners tutorial for spawning (instantiating) objects at random positions: ——————————- ——————————- Hello, my name is Liviu Globa i’m an indie developer, making games for about 4 years in Unity. I would like to show you some tips that […]
Halton Sequence c#
Halton Sequence script to Unity c#. (image: Left side halton sequence, right side using Random.value). Needed something to distribute objects evenly on given area.. this works for small amount of objects <200, but if add more, they start to form lines(?) Converted from: “Halton Sequence […]
Old Film FX Shader
Converted from webgl shaders (source at devmaster.net). This should be nice as a camera shader? Adjustable parameters in shader: – SepiaValue, NoiseValue, ScratchValue, InnerVignetting, OuterVignetting, RandomValue, TimeLapse Original barn image: http://www.cgtextures.com/texview.php?id=12170 Webplayer: http://unitycoder.com/upload/demos/OldFilmShader1/ Readme pdf: README_OldFilmFx_Shader_web Purchase: (unity package) 0.50 eur [digishop id=”15″] *unitypackage is […]
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