Testing OnParticleCollision()
Testing the new 4.2 feature, shuriken particle collision event: http://docs.unity3d.com/Documentation/ScriptReference/MonoBehaviour.OnParticleCollision.html Collision event returns info from particle: Collider, intersection, normal, velocity http://docs.unity3d.com/Documentation/ScriptReference/ParticleSystem.CollisionEvent.html Features: – Tried to make the spray look like water..but that didnt work out yet.. – Particles hit the plane, and fire that OnParticleCollision […]
Fake Shadow Ideas: Using Particles as Light Photons?
This is quite an early test.. what if you use particles as “light photons” ? Then no need to do raycasting? Current features: (main screenshot) – Shuriken particle system, Shape: Cone, angle:90 – Collision planes on those white boxes (uh..shuriken doesnt support “world collisions”, only […]
Clouds using Particles
Testing clouds with particles (after seeing this: “Clouds – mr.doob“) If you look at the source, it seems they are using 8000 planes and custom shader (should be easy to port in unity..) Problem with particles is that they start to turn near camera, as […]
Particle Paint v1.0
Testing particle painting..(with shuriken mesh particles) Plant & Stone mesh+textures from: Advanced Terrain Shaders v2 Just for fun(?) the ground is using wipe transition shader Current features: – Paint with mouse (raycast) – Offset from surface – variable – Random rotation for particles placed – […]
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