Mesh Exploder (sources)
Uploaded sources for the old mesh exploder project https://unitycoder.com/blog/2013/08/02/poor-mans-mesh-exploder/ download project: https://github.com/unitycoder/SimpleMeshExploder
Poor man’s Mesh Exploder
Always wanted to try making exploding meshes, finally had time for a small test version.. Info – Shortcut to easy mesh (fake) destruction: Take each face, Create small 3D mesh piece for it (extrude/add vertice(s) backwards from face normal), Add rigidbody, Done! – Used this […]
Sphere Ninja (proto)
This was made in 4-5hrs, just for a quick test.. Lots of room for improvisation.. also it doesnt do any cutting, just hides the original sphere and instantiates 2 slices with same speed/rotation.. You could make it less fake by creating 8 ready slices from […]
Fake Mesh Slicer v3.0
Testing different technique – Capsule (but bit too low poly & capsulecollider not so good for this..) – ‘Infinity plane’ for cutting ( http://unity3d.com/support/documenta…nce/Plane.html ) – Using “Plane.GetSide” to check which side the vertex is – if its above cutplane, move it down with distance […]
Fake Mesh Slicer v2.0
Another test scene: – with cylinder, sideways. webplayer: http://unitycoder.com/upload/demos/slicer2/ a/d = move cylinder space = slice mouse = drag objects download: fakeslicer2.unitypackage
Fake Mesh Slicer v1.0
Just a test project.. : ) FakeSlicer – Slicing a box (but not really) – It works by adjusting box size/vertices and cloning a prefab box as a new slice object – Sliceplane is “fake”, just Y value is used for getting a location – […]
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