Testing Unity MUSE AI
video clip: Feedback:– 3000 points per month is way too low (4×4 textures generated took ~200 points already!)– Current quality is not worth 30usd/month, better use https://www.scenario.com/ or https://leonardo.ai/– Muse is still fun to use inside editor, would have to learn better prompting i guess?– […]
Reference Image Viewer Editor Window
If you are working on a single monitor, and/or need to have some reference images in view.. Here’s a small editor plugin to show texture on a window. Source: https://github.com/UnityCommunity/UnityLibrary/blob/master/Assets/Scripts/Editor/Tools/ReferenceImageViewer.cs Usage:– Copy file into your project, into some Editor/ folder– You can then use from […]
Texture tiling broke, after importing material and texture from 2018.x into 2017.x (using unitypackage)
Imported some .unitypackage from 2018 into 2017 (to downgrade), and had strange texture issue with some part of the model.. took couple of hours to find out that material tiling had resetted to 1 (instead of 100 – duh!) and then also texture was not […]
Scrolling Texture Plotter using CustomRenderTexture
Saw interesting question in the forums (link) about drawing plotter like data that would scroll up, got idea about custom rendertextures (since it was similar to this effect) Basic idea: – use CustomRenderTexture, double buffered so it can read from itself – draw color32 array […]
Sprite Sheet Flip Book Shader
Converted this old animated sprite sheet script into shader, its useful for animating sprites from sprite sheet. (when Animator is too heavy for simple sprite animation) Could be extended to have billboard option. Shader source: *Updated: 30/11/18 to fix index wrapping and UV direction https://github.com/UnityCommunity/UnityLibrary/blob/master/Assets/Shaders/2D/Sprites/FlipBook.shader […]
Terrain AlphaMap Texture FilterMode (sharp texture blending)
You can use shader to do sharp blending on terrain textures like this old version custom terrain sharp blending shader, but can also set alphamap texture filtermode instead! (no custom shaders needed) With custom editor script, you can do this: Example project with the editor […]
UnitySVG fork
SVG to Bitmap converter. Forked this repository while ago: https://github.com/MrJoy/UnitySVG “UnitySVG is a library for reading SVG files and producing Texture2D objects from them at runtime” Updated few scripts so that it runs in Unity 5.x, there would be still things to fix, but atleast it […]
Photoshop Trees
Just noticed PhotoshopCC has some Tree renderer: http://blogs.adobe.com/jkost/2015/01/creating-trees-in-photoshop-cc-2014.html Here’s some images of those in 256×256 png, could work as sprites?
Image To Grayscale Script
Quick test trying to convert this Basic256 script into Unity c# (trying to keep it close to original code..) maybe still some problems as the output seems darker than the example.. http://rosettacode.org/wiki/Grayscale_image#BASIC256 Source C# (Image2Grayscale.cs)
[Asset Store] Mobile Paint *now free
Simple touch paint program, optimized for mobiles. — Github: https://github.com/unitycoder/UnityMobilePaint Asset Store *Deprecated: https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/tools/integration/mobile-paint-19803?aid=1101lGti Forum thread: http://forum.unity3d.com/threads/released-mobile-paint-with-multi-touch.262645/ — Latest Update: 26/10/2018, this is now free in asset store! Current features: List below is not updated, use Github Issues instead : https://github.com/unitycoder/UnityMobilePaint/issues – Optimized pixel drawing – […]
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