Pong-Wars in Unity
Converted this javascript thing into unity c#https://github.com/vnglst/pong-wars source code: *might have some bugs still (and not optimized at all).https://gist.github.com/unitycoder/a10c215ec9c477ff0e04c964dff3208f usage:– attach script to Quad with Unlit material– assign some soundclip or disable the audio in code making of video:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EP5QwyGdN70
Create Gradient Texture From Array of Colors
Small tool to generate gradient Texture2D from array of colors. (Note: maximum colors is 8, since it uses unity Gradient internally ( https://docs.unity3d.com/ScriptReference/Gradient.html ) Source:https://github.com/UnityCommunity/UnityLibrary/blob/master/Assets/Scripts/Texture/GradientTextureMaker.cs Example usage script: (attach script to some 3d object)https://gist.github.com/unitycoder/f7ea9019bb67b7042efbd08f0f4fa785
Convolution Filter Test
Quick test for simple convolution filter with unity Texture2D (using c# script, not shader) Source project: https://github.com/unitycoder/ConvolutionFilter
[Asset Store] Mobile Paint *now free
Simple touch paint program, optimized for mobiles. — Github: https://github.com/unitycoder/UnityMobilePaint Asset Store *Deprecated: https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/tools/integration/mobile-paint-19803?aid=1101lGti Forum thread: http://forum.unity3d.com/threads/released-mobile-paint-with-multi-touch.262645/ — Latest Update: 26/10/2018, this is now free in asset store! Current features: List below is not updated, use Github Issues instead : https://github.com/unitycoder/UnityMobilePaint/issues – Optimized pixel drawing – […]
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