
RAIN{indie} AI: Simple Waypoints Tutorial (1)


Made a small tutorial pdf while testing RAIN{indie} AI system. (its free and works with unity indie!)
Going to try to implement it on the perlin dungeons later and have to try rest of the features too (like navmesh).

Goal of the tutorial was to get your monster to follow (go towards) given object, which is behind the wall.
And not a single line of code had to be written!

Download Tutorial (PDF):
RAIN AI – basic waypoints movement 1.pdf

(results of the tutorial)

Check this powerpoint file also (info about waypoints/AI)
Artificial Intelligence in Game Design (powerpoint)

Feel free to send comments here, if you find some errors or a way of doing things easier etc.
Also there are many settings to adjust the AI movement, right now everything is at defaults..

Image#2: NavMesh created for dungeon
– That was easy, use Recast object to create navmesh
– Select either Recast option: Use Distance (remember to set it big enough so it scans your whole level)
– Or, Recast option: Use recast object, then assign your floor as recast object and navmesh is created from it


11 Comments + Add Comment

  • More RAIN{indie} tutorials from others:

    Navigation Grid #1

    AI with Custom Actions using Code #1

  • Hey, I’m looking forward to giving this a read when I get home.

    How did you go with getting it to work in a perlin dungeon?


  • I tried to go a bit beyond the tutorial and use the nav mesh but the “monster” is not moving eventhough i tried to recast the nav mesh with different settings. Does the RAIN need something different in order to operate with the nav mesh ?

    thx good job

    • One problem that I had, was that nav mesh came out too small at first (so the enemy wasnt on top of it..), enable [x] show span mesh (on recast object) to see it.

      other than that, could just try it on simple plane first,

  • hi good day sir i am making my 2d racing game in unity but i want my enemy to be move in the track and also i want my player car to be able to hit the enemy car. and its a single player game. can you please help me sir thanks in advance 🙂

  • sir plz help me..i’m using unity 2017.4.0f1 .In these types of errors are coming using
    using RAIN.Core;
    using RAIN.Representation;

    how i handle these errors.
    and which unity version is used RAIN

  • sir can you tell me plz…
    which unity version use RAIN

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