2D Fog Of War
Got some nice looking Fog of War system working with sprites (2D)!
It might eventually work on mobiles too (although at lower resolution..)
*Will be posting it to asset store hopefully within this month..
** Update 2022: Now after those “few months”, project sources are here https://unitycoder.com/blog/2022/04/25/sources-fog-of-war-effect/
Current features:
– Adjustable showing & hiding fade speeds
– Adjustable view range (circular)
– Optional view cone (with adjustable view angle, so that you see forward only, behind you will be black)
– Works with animated/moving obstacles also
– Possible to have multiple players (each with viewing area)
– Resolution is adjustable (but higher resolution currently starts to slow down, can be optimized..)
– And more..
Webplayer demo:
http://unitycoder.com/upload/demos/2DFogOfWar/ (initial version, quite high resolution, not optimized)
(more images later)
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Hello, is there any way you add the inversion in the “Normal Map Maker”? Type change where bottom is and where is near, and a preview window also would be a good thing.
Actually I wanted it to be like a clone of “SmartNormal”, which is an excellent tool, but does not support very large textures.
Pay attention on the “Invert Source”, this is what I said, is a very good feature.
Thank you
Yes, that invert should be easy to add, thanks for the tip! (i’ll add to next update)
Realtime preview would be nice too, added in TODO list.
Hello, I sent an email to you, do not know if you have received, I will post here as well.
Hello, a very useful plugin that missing to the Unity is an “import
mesh as terrain, export terrain as mesh”, mainly in the COLLADA format
.dae, has a few scripts to do this, but are incomplete and very
mediocre, I wanted one that could select the objects to be exported,
has a free plugin that does this, but does not export the terrain.
Actually already have one in the Asset Store that does this, but it is
expensive ($ 30) and I do not know if it’s good.
You could not develop something similar to what I said, but for $ 10? LOL.
Yes saw it just now, thanks for the ideas!
But I would just use this: http://wiki.unity3d.com/index.php?title=Object2Terrain
(first convert .dae to .obj with some free software, meshlab might work?)
Or if you have 3ds max, import .dae export to unity from max:
(havent checked exporting terrain from unity to other formats..is there much use for that?)
Yes, as I said, I know these scripts, but I want a proper tool for this, and I’m not willing to risk spending $ 30. I think a tool like I said before, for $ 10, would sell well.
I talked about the .dae format because that obj is outdated, by what I have seen .dae is much better than it. Would be more practical to have support to .dae and also the obj.
I do not have 3D MAX or other expensive programs.
Is your code @ the asset store?
not yet..
i guess i can put the early version here for ~couple usd soon,
as it would still need plenty of work before asset store..
Unity fog of war video tutorial with webplayer demo:
javascript fog of war:
fog of war
[…] Finally uploaded this old fog of war test project from https://unitycoder.com/blog/2014/10/16/2d-fog-of-war-unity/ […]