Fake Dynamic Tree Shadows
Tree shadows are created for terrain trees in Startup(), with adjustable strength, shadow shape, shadow color etc. (unity indie) Ideas/Todo: – Animated shadow? (based on terrain wind settings or just random..?) – Different shadows for different trees (Get treesize, type..) – Angled shadows (currently its […]
Real Fake Clouds 3D
Real Fake Dynamic 3D Clouds..its pretty much the same as previous cloud test, except that this one is in 3D. If the clouds are low enough, they can hide mountains inside them too (its just too transparent right now..see image #2) Features: – Clouds are […]
Underwater test
Wanted to make underwater caustics effects with projector, but it failed / doesnt work yet.. Its still missing the animated caustics, water surface is not animated, small bokeh planktons and all that.. no time to finish it now, just got a new idea for 3D […]
Dynamic Clouds + Cloud Shadows on Terrain
Adding more stuff to the previous cloud test, now with fake shadows. (scene works with unity indie) New features: – Animated sky cloud shadows on terrain – Bugs: Currently the clouds are not perfectly aligned.. – Shadow strength can be adjusted (now its 0.5 for […]
Old Film FX Shader
Converted from webgl shaders (source at devmaster.net). This should be nice as a camera shader? Adjustable parameters in shader: – SepiaValue, NoiseValue, ScratchValue, InnerVignetting, OuterVignetting, RandomValue, TimeLapse Original barn image: http://www.cgtextures.com/texview.php?id=12170 Webplayer: http://unitycoder.com/upload/demos/OldFilmShader1/ Readme pdf: README_OldFilmFx_Shader_web Purchase: (unity package) 0.50 eur [digishop id=”15″] *unitypackage is […]
Sea Waves
Sea Waves testing. Its quite “heavy”..but looks nice. Info v1.0: – Special perlin noise map (128×128) is updated every frame and used as a height/waves-map for the sea mesh (converted from “Heightmap Test” by Simon Bethke, licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 and GNU […]
Animated Clouds Shader + SkyDome
Testing (fake) animated clouds shader & 3d skydome.. actually looks quite nice already! (original shader is from some dx11 c++ tutorials) Info v1.0: – Scrolling seamless cloud texture + perlin texture (shader) – Skydome 3D mesh (UV mapping is bit broken, its mirrored on the […]
Verlet Integration : SoftBody
New/modified version of the previous test sources: Verlet Integration Cloth The fake shadow (“shadow volumes” from unifycommunity) is bit broken, maybe because we are modifying the vertices at the same time or it didnt really work so well with spheres.. Shader: Gem shaders Webplayer: http://unitycoder.com/upload/demos/VerletIntegrationSoftBody1/ […]
Verlet Integration : Cloth
New verlet integration test: cloth (converted to Unity from Verlet Integration by Ben Kenwright) Webplayer: ..
Using Windows MessageBox(“test”)
Need to make a FileDialog popup for standalone exe, for selecting image files. Atleast got MessageBox working now.. Webplayer: Doesnt work on webplayer.. Info: – Copy “System.Windows.Forms.dll” into Assets/Plugins/ folder – Then use it from script:
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