Waves Shader
Tried to create similar waves in shader as this tweet: https://twitter.com/akivaw/status/1226681850564956160 Shader source:https://gist.github.com/unitycoder/7b501f5d6af03dbabd48c16c08767fe3*2 pass shader to draw underwater slightly differently
Debug.Log: Show actual color from Color variable
Had to debug what color is the script returning for mouse pixel position, but printing out the value didn’t really help:Debug.Log(col);Since the output is like this (you don’t know whats the actual color)RGBA(0,349, 0,204, 0,416, 0,000) Enter Debug.Log with <color></color> and utf8 block:Debug.Log(“<color=#”+ColorUtility.ToHtmlStringRGB(col)+”>██████████</color> = “+col); […]
Encode/Decode Audio To/From PNG Alpha Channel
Small test on embedding Audio data into PNG alpha channel.With added option to shuffle pixels to hide/”encrypt” original image and sound. To make sound file small enough, use this option to set low hz. Ideas for later:– Compress audio (tested RLE but didn’t do much […]
Reference Image Viewer Editor Window
If you are working on a single monitor, and/or need to have some reference images in view.. Here’s a small editor plugin to show texture on a window. Source: https://github.com/UnityCommunity/UnityLibrary/blob/master/Assets/Scripts/Editor/Tools/ReferenceImageViewer.cs Usage:– Copy file into your project, into some Editor/ folder– You can then use from […]
How to use AudioImporter Sample Rate lower than 8000hz
Sound importer seems to allow only allows 8000hz as the lowest sample rate.. But you can force lower values by modifying the audioclip .meta file! First select PCM or ADPCM as the Compression Format: Then modify the audio clip meta file (same folder as the […]
(Free) Runtime Text To Speech Plugin
Needed simple TTS plugin for a small unity windows game that i’m working on.. I know asset store has few, but they seem to rely on Windows Speech platform voices, and one plugin that was completely standalone didnt really have good enough speech quality.. First […]
Using raylib.dll in Unity
raylib is https://github.com/raysan5/raylibThere are c# bindings available at https://github.com/ChrisDill/Raylib-cs Steps:– Download raylib.dll from releases (i took raylib-2.5.0-Win64-msvc15.zip)– Unzip and copy \raylib-2.5.0-Win64-msvc15\bin\raylib.dll into your Unity project Plugins/ folder– Download c# bindings repository (click “clone or download” .. as zip)– Unzip and copy \Raylib-cs-master\Bindings\ folder into your […]
Better Video Player for Unity Premium Videos
Unity Learn Premium videos cannot be resized, opened in new tab or moved around.. With some javascript, you can pop the video out into resizable and draggable div! Source:https://gist.github.com/unitycoder/21fd5cce51932ccf524bdda5a2fe8401 Instructions:– Copy paste that whole script into Browser console (F12) Results: References:https://forum.unity.com/threads/how-to-get-bigger-not-full-screen-unity-learn-videos.776813/ Notes:– Currently it support […]
Reading Minecraft World into Unity (using Substrate)
Quick test for reading Minecraft worlds into unity.Note: example code uses particle for each block, so it gets pretty slow. Compile Substrate.dll:– download this repository https://github.com/minecraft-dotnet/Substrate – unzip, open Substrate-master\SubstrateCS\Substrate.sln– Solution Explorer: Right click over Substrate (NET4), Set As Startup Project– Select Release (from the […]
Basic Ray Marching Shader
Converted this ray marching for dummies-shader into unity. Shader Source:https://github.com/UnityCommunity/UnityLibrary/blob/master/Assets/Shaders/2D/Special/RayMarching.shader
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