Basic Ray Marching Shader
Converted this ray marching for dummies-shader into unity. Shader Source:https://github.com/UnityCommunity/UnityLibrary/blob/master/Assets/Shaders/2D/Special/RayMarching.shader
2 Pass Standard Shader with See-Through Wall Effect
Modified standard shader to make see through wall effect, with blurred texture and opacity. Shader source:https://github.com/UnityCommunity/UnityLibrary/blob/master/Assets/Shaders/3D/Effects/Standard-SeeThroughWalls.shader
Modified Standard shader to start fading based on Camera Y distance
Needed this kind of effect for a small game, where:– objects below would be faded out– player can move up and down (fade should “follow”)– realtime lights should be supported basically like the old unity global fog for height, but that one doesn’t work with […]
Texture tiling broke, after importing material and texture from 2018.x into 2017.x (using unitypackage)
Imported some .unitypackage from 2018 into 2017 (to downgrade), and had strange texture issue with some part of the model.. took couple of hours to find out that material tiling had resetted to 1 (instead of 100 – duh!) and then also texture was not […]
Read File from Oculus Quest /sdcard/ Folder
New 2023 (more limitations) “This is because the Quest OS v53 now uses Android 12, which limits the way apps can access storage. From the developers of Polysketch: – No Access— /sdcard/Polysketch/– Can create folders, but not files— /sdcard/Android/Polysketch/– Full folder & file creation— /sdcard/Android/Android/data/com.PolysketchLLC.Polysketch/files […]
Deploy to Android device with wireless connection
Using windows Command Prompt: // check if your device is presentadb devices// get device ip address (see inet row) adb shell ip addr show wlan0// enable tcpip and portadb tcpip 5555// connect device (use your device ip address)adb connect Now you can remove usb […]
Continue Coroutine after gameObject was disabled
So, customer wanted final changes few hours before deadline, to add hide/show feature (just regular disable-enable gameobject) for some animated UI elements. (Effects were using coroutine to set values and colors). To my horror, after you disable and then enable gameobject, the coroutine is dead! […]
EditorScript: HDR Outline for WorldSpace UI Panel using LineRenderer
Needed hdr outline for ui panel, so here’s small editor helper script to assign linerenderer points around UI panel:https://github.com/UnityCommunity/UnityLibrary/blob/master/Assets/Scripts/Editor/ContextMenu/CreateOutlineForPanelEditor.cs *Note: i’m using UI always on top shader for the panel (it fixes the linerenderer z-fight issue, but also needed it for this project to display […]
Set Quad Scale to Match VideoPlayer Aspect Ratio
Needed quick videoplayer quad mesh resizer, to match video size, so here’s a small editor helper script:https://github.com/UnityCommunity/UnityLibrary/blob/master/Assets/Scripts/Editor/ContextMenu/GetVideoAspectRatioEditor.cs It checks video width and height, and then scales transform Y axis to match aspect ratio.
ffmpeg stream raw video into Unity Texture2D
Small proof-of-concept idea about streaming raw video from commandline ffmpeg into Unity, using UDP streaming. It works ok for small resolution and low fps rate, but breaks/goes out of sync if any udp data goes missing. Sources:https://github.com/unitycoder/ffmpegStreamToUnity Instructions:– Download ffmpeg https://ffmpeg.org/download.html– run from commandline: > […]
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