Unity Asset Store MegaBundle (October 2021)
New Asset Store MegaBundle, have a free referral link here:https://assetstore.unity.com/mega-bundles/fill-your-toolbox?aid=1101lGti(From October 13, 2021 00:00:00 PT through October 31, 2021, 23:59:59 PT)
Load AssetBundles with Caching
Small sample script to load assetbundles. Features: – It first loads bundle hash from the manifest file on server – Then uses that hash string as asset bundle loader parameter (to use cached version if available, see docs) – Instantiate gameobject after loading source: https://github.com/UnityCommunity/UnityLibrary/blob/master/Assets/Scripts/AssetBundles/AssetBundleLoader.cs […]
[Vuforia + XCode] CARWrapper.bundle specifies a non-existent file for the CFBundle
Had this error message coming up all day, until founded the fix: Either this http://answers.unity3d.com/answers/1102882/view.html or just delete the (QCARWrapper.bundle) reference in xcode project view from that plugins/ folder. ^main image: First tried settings bundle as [x] Editor, [x] Standalone only, but still seemed to […]
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