Create Gradient Texture From Array of Colors
Small tool to generate gradient Texture2D from array of colors. (Note: maximum colors is 8, since it uses unity Gradient internally ( https://docs.unity3d.com/ScriptReference/Gradient.html ) Source:https://github.com/UnityCommunity/UnityLibrary/blob/master/Assets/Scripts/Texture/GradientTextureMaker.cs Example usage script: (attach script to some 3d object)https://gist.github.com/unitycoder/f7ea9019bb67b7042efbd08f0f4fa785
Publish .ipa file from Windows PC to iOS without Mac
With Unity Cloud Build service, you can create iOS apps, without ever needing Macintosh+XCode! First steps – Register as an Apple Developer : https://developer.apple.com/programs/enroll/– Join Unity Cloud Build (if you haven’t already) : https://unity3d.com/services/cloud-build– Follow cloud build instructions there, its quite simple to setup iOS […]
Adding Custom Script Templates
Adding custom script templates is quite simple: – Create your custom script – Replace all class name strings with #SCRIPTNAME# (this will get replaced by the new created script name) – Move the script file under your unity installation folder: \Unity\Editor\Data\Resources\ScriptTemplates\ – Rename “YourScript.cs” into […]
TerrainToolkit [fork]
Forked the old TerrainToolkit from https://code.google.com/p/unityterraintoolkit/ to github: https://github.com/unitycoder/unityterraintoolkit Fixed some old scripts so that it works in Unity 5.x, still many warnings but at least can use it.. This plugin is useful for simple terrain generation, applying erosion to the terrain and textureing based on heights.
[AssetStore] CreateTexture
Yay! My first asset store script got accepted..:) Had to try it out so maybe later can put something more interesting there. It’s a simple editor plugin for creating plain texture assets (png files). Did it for my own use, because it seems you always […]
Three.js PlaneGeometry.js to Unity C#
Converted this THREE.js PlaneGeometry.js (by mr.doob) to Unity c# (its similar to CreatePlane from unity wiki, but more limited) Current version: – Using MeshTopology.Quads – Still some problems with the UV’s, if using more than one segments – Also currently all the variables are as […]
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Recent Comments
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