You are trying to replace or create a Prefab from the instance ‘…’ that references a missing script. This is not allowed. Please change the script or remove it from the GameObject.
Solution:– Open the prefab that it mentions in the error, then check for missing script and remove it.– It doesn’t help if you remove missing script in the scene from that prefab, or even if you unpack that prefab, need to remove it from the […]
Use adb logcat with Colors
Had problems finding some Debug.LogError messages in the android logcat output, so googled around and sure enough you can enable output colors easily! Just add -v color parameter: adb logcat -s Unity ActivityManager PackageManager dalvikvm DEBUG -v color Note: Default windows Command Prompt doesn’t support […]
iOS App crashes only if downloaded from Appstore or TestFlight
Had annoying issue with one ios app, it worked perfectly when build locally from xcode to device, but after uploading to AppStore, that version crashes in all devices. Solution was rather simple: Solution Disable [ ] Include bitcode option when uploading your app archive to […]
Shader error: cannot map expression to vertex shader instruction
Had a strange looking error today: Turns out it was just that the function which was called inside vertex shader, was below the vertex shader, so just moved it above the v2f vert (appdata v) and it works.. *Actually it was more complicated: This one […]
Android: MissingMethodException: Method not found: ‘Default constructor not found…
Suddenly started getting these error messages on device (build worked fine otherwise, but tcp socket stopped working) You can view device log with command line> adb logcat -s Unity ActivityManager PackageManager dalvikvm DEBUG Solutions: – Use IL2CPP build instead of Mono2x – Or, set Stripping […]
Custom shader Transparency & Batching issues
While updating this billboard shader https://github.com/unitycoder/DoomStyleBillboardTest , had couple strange shader issues: Problem#1: Overlapping transparent area clips other object behind it (see issue#6) This one was solved by adding “ZWrite Off” to the shader, apparently something to do how transparent objects get depth sorted..(?) http://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/SL-CullAndDepth.html […]
[Vuforia + XCode] CARWrapper.bundle specifies a non-existent file for the CFBundle
Had this error message coming up all day, until founded the fix: Either this http://answers.unity3d.com/answers/1102882/view.html or just delete the (QCARWrapper.bundle) reference in xcode project view from that plugins/ folder. ^main image: First tried settings bundle as [x] Editor, [x] Standalone only, but still seemed to […]
Error: Android SDK is outdated
Got this error message on building .apk: “Android SDK is outdated SDK Build Tools version 19.1 < 21” And in the console: “Error building Player: CommandInvokationFailure: Unable to update the SDK. Please run the SDK Manager manually to make sure you have the latest set […]
Using crossdomain.xml
Duh! That was one annoying error.. >< Error reading crossdomain policy: Expected element UnityEngine.UnityCrossDomainHelper:GetSecurityPolicy(String) Error downloading mesh: Rejected because no crossdomain.xml policy file was found UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour:print(Object) MeshSerializer:ReadMeshFromWWW(WWW) (at Assets/MeshSerializer.js:355) $:MoveNext() (at Assets/LoadMeshFromWeb.js:11) While using MeshSerializer2 to read mesh data from server http://wiki.unity3d.com/index.php/MeshSerializer2 And crossdomain.xml was […]
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