Using SharpNav with Unity
Noticed this SharpNav repository (Advanced Pathfinding for C#) at https://github.com/Robmaister/SharpNav Since new unity versions support .NET 4.6, this should work in unity too, the sample script below runs, but not sure how to access the navmesh or navigation features.. Instructions: – Download SharpNav https://github.com/Robmaister/SharpNav – […]
Mesh Exploder (sources)
Uploaded sources for the old mesh exploder project https://unitycoder.com/blog/2013/08/02/poor-mans-mesh-exploder/ download project: https://github.com/unitycoder/SimpleMeshExploder
Advanced Voxel Terrain
Another version of the old marching cubes terrain, this one has more features.. See images #3-7 in the old post : https://unitycoder.com/blog/2012/09/30/marching-cubes-voxel-terrain/ todo: – Should convert this to c#, then do some cleanup.. – Add more info/instructions sources: https://github.com/unitycoder/VoxelTerrainAdvanced
Mesh Melt shader test
Quick test for melting mesh effect using vertex extrusion shader Gif anim preview: http://pasteboard.co/1QARh81p.gif Forum topic: http://forum.unity3d.com/threads/has-anyone-ever-written-a-mesh-melter.311135/ Info: – C# Script adjusts mesh vertex colors, based on the distance to heat point gameobject – Then shader pushes(extrudes) vertices based on that vertex color (alpha) – […]
Mobius strip Mesh Generator
^Current results.. drawn with Debug.Drawline() for now.. Trying to create möbius strip mesh using a script.. Founded some formulas here: (and it even has .obj exporter, but rather do it inside unity..) http://www.java2s.com/Open-Source/CSharp_Free_Code/3D/Download_Helix_3D_Toolkit.htm TODO: – Build mesh (möbius strip) ** Well there is now better […]
[Asset Store] Mobile Paint *now free
Simple touch paint program, optimized for mobiles. — Github: https://github.com/unitycoder/UnityMobilePaint Asset Store *Deprecated: https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/tools/integration/mobile-paint-19803?aid=1101lGti Forum thread: http://forum.unity3d.com/threads/released-mobile-paint-with-multi-touch.262645/ — Latest Update: 26/10/2018, this is now free in asset store! Current features: List below is not updated, use Github Issues instead : https://github.com/unitycoder/UnityMobilePaint/issues – Optimized pixel drawing – […]
Grass Maker for Mesh Terrain (wip)
Trying to make some basic grass/plants generator for mesh terrain.. (not terrain object). (This is part of Mesh Terrain/Splatmap Tool) FEATURES – Editor plugin: Generates grass billboard planes(quads) over mesh surface (using raycast..) – Checks splatmap color, if its over certain threshold, then add grass […]
River Mesh Generator
Testing river mesh generation, idea is from forum topic: http://forum.unity3d.com/threads/225561-Is-there-any-way-to-have-a-river-flow-without-flow-maps?p=1502875 Webplayer: http://unitycoder.com/upload/demos/RiverMeshMakerUnity/ Features: – Start point, length, width, segment length, adjustable x-position (middle of the river), in the screenshot using Mathf.Cos(#) – Each piece/segment has UV (0,0 to 1,1) so can scroll the texture to […]
Mesh Terrain Texturing/SplatMap Tool (wip)
Small editor plugin for creating splatmap/splatmask for mesh based terrain. (not terrain object) Current features: – Create splatmap based on face angles (adjustable slope angles) – Texture painting (paint to any layer R, G, B, A) – Obstacle detection (if collider is founded on mesh, […]
Scorched Earth Terrain (wip)
This is another thing that i’ve always wanted to try in Unity, Scorched Earth deformable collapsing terrain (youtube link). Ideas: 1 – Using SetPixels() with texture would most likely be easiest, just slow on bigger resolutions (but no need high resolution for this anyways?) 2 […]
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