Verlet Integration : SoftBody
New/modified version of the previous test sources: Verlet Integration Cloth The fake shadow (“shadow volumes” from unifycommunity) is bit broken, maybe because we are modifying the vertices at the same time or it didnt really work so well with spheres.. Shader: Gem shaders Webplayer: http://unitycoder.com/upload/demos/VerletIntegrationSoftBody1/ […]
Mesh Box Reference : Vertices / Triangles / UV / Normals
Mesh Box Reference Image If you want to build a simple mesh box with scripts in Unity, this kind of image helped me to understand how it works.. Also have a look of the ChunkRender example, how it builds the mesh by adding 4 vertices […]
Particle Paint v1.0
Testing particle painting..(with shuriken mesh particles) Plant & Stone mesh+textures from: Advanced Terrain Shaders v2 Just for fun(?) the ground is using wipe transition shader Current features: – Paint with mouse (raycast) – Offset from surface – variable – Random rotation for particles placed – […]
Bitmap2Mesh (release v3.0)
Bitmap to 3D Extruded Mesh-script. Related to this forum topic (unity forum link) What it is? It reads bitmap pixel by pixel, checks if pixel alpha value is > 0, then add vertice there (but skip adding, if we are going the same direction) (it […]
Noob Triangulator (js)
Testing mesh (triangle) generation.. (screenshot: random mesh plane) The REAL Triangulator is here: http://wiki.unity3d.com/index.php/Triangulator (it can handle complex shapes etc.) My javascript triangulator works by adding 1 vertex in the middle, and every triangle will point to it. I was thinking could use this for drawing […]
WIP: 3ds Max to Unity Mesh(update#3)
Mesh transfer script from 3DS Max to Unity. It converts 3DSMax mesh to unityscript (javascript), so you have full control over the mesh creation. And whats the point of it? To avoid these: http://answers.unity3d.com/questions/61597/vertex-count-10-times-higher-in-unity.html http://answers.unity3d.com/questions/37435/why-is-unity-got-more-vertices-than-3dsmax.html Using this plugin you get less vertices on your model […]
Fake Mesh Slicer v3.0
Testing different technique – Capsule (but bit too low poly & capsulecollider not so good for this..) – ‘Infinity plane’ for cutting ( http://unity3d.com/support/documenta…nce/Plane.html ) – Using “Plane.GetSide” to check which side the vertex is – if its above cutplane, move it down with distance […]
Fake Mesh Slicer v2.0
Another test scene: – with cylinder, sideways. webplayer: http://unitycoder.com/upload/demos/slicer2/ a/d = move cylinder space = slice mouse = drag objects download: fakeslicer2.unitypackage
Fake Mesh Slicer v1.0
Just a test project.. : ) FakeSlicer – Slicing a box (but not really) – It works by adjusting box size/vertices and cloning a prefab box as a new slice object – Sliceplane is “fake”, just Y value is used for getting a location – […]
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