(Sources) Fog Of War – effect
Finally uploaded this old fog of war test project from https://unitycoder.com/blog/2014/10/16/2d-fog-of-war-unity/ Its raycast + vertex color based effect. (not really optimized, as it linecasts each vertex right now..) Sources:https://github.com/unitycoder/FogOfWar Cleaning up the project and upgrading from 4.x:
Shader error: cannot map expression to vertex shader instruction
Had a strange looking error today: Turns out it was just that the function which was called inside vertex shader, was below the vertex shader, so just moved it above the v2f vert (appdata v) and it works.. *Actually it was more complicated: This one […]
Unlit Fake Curved World Shader
Tried to get world position from depth texture, but it didn’t work.. then founded COMPUTE_DEPTH_01 instead, makes nice curve effect when applied to meshes (pushing the y vertices down based on depth).. although breaks a bit depending on camera rotation/position.. Shader source: https://github.com/UnityCommunity/UnityLibrary/blob/master/Shaders/Vertex/UnlitFakeCurved.shader without curve-shader: […]
Matrix Playground Shader
Finally decided to try shader matrices.. (because having issues with custom billboard shader) Doing Translate, Scale, Rotations with matrix operations seems quite simple actually! Would had been totally lost without these two links: http://www.codinglabs.net/article_world_view_projection_matrix.aspx http://www.gamedev.net/topic/610115-solved-rotation-deforming-mesh-opengl-es-20/#entry4859756 How to use the shader: – Get the source below, […]
Mesh Melt shader test
Quick test for melting mesh effect using vertex extrusion shader Gif anim preview: http://pasteboard.co/1QARh81p.gif Forum topic: http://forum.unity3d.com/threads/has-anyone-ever-written-a-mesh-melter.311135/ Info: – C# Script adjusts mesh vertex colors, based on the distance to heat point gameobject – Then shader pushes(extrudes) vertices based on that vertex color (alpha) – […]
Explosion Effect (shader)
Testing some big explosion effect with shader. Still missing most particle effects.. Info: – Vertex extrusion using noise texture & timer/distance.. – Explosion cloud + shockwave is from particle system Webplayer: http://unitycoder.com/upload/demos/ExplosionEffectShader/ Reference: Armageddon (explosions) video : http://youtu.be/Tq4o-B5vWYk?t=2m25s Shader source:
Fake Blur Ideas for Unity Indie
Lets say we have a single colored mesh like in the image above and we want to blur it (with unity indie..).. Ideas to try: Glow effect shader? (no glow in indie..but can have something similar, doesnt work with planes yet..) Take screenshot of the […]
XYZ Point Cloud Data Viewer (DX11)
Latest version is here >> Check new page here: http://unitycoder.com/blog/2014/03/19/asset-store-point-cloud-viewer-unity/ Quick test for reading XYZ point cloud data and displaying it using DX11 features. Current info: – 1 million points works fine (60fps with no update loop, 20fps with pos.x+1 for each point in a […]
The Return Of The Fake Vertex Shadow
Yay..more realtime fake shadows, using similar technique like this old fake vertex shadows test Features: – VertexLit shader with texture – Linecast each vertex towards light, if we can reach light, then lets shine, otherwise stay dark.. – In the webplayer, 15 vertices are scanned […]
Mesh Box Reference : Vertices / Triangles / UV / Normals
Mesh Box Reference Image If you want to build a simple mesh box with scripts in Unity, this kind of image helped me to understand how it works.. Also have a look of the ChunkRender example, how it builds the mesh by adding 4 vertices […]
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