(Sources) Fog Of War – effect
Finally uploaded this old fog of war test project from https://unitycoder.com/blog/2014/10/16/2d-fog-of-war-unity/ Its raycast + vertex color based effect. (not really optimized, as it linecasts each vertex right now..) Sources:https://github.com/unitycoder/FogOfWar Cleaning up the project and upgrading from 4.x:
2D Fog Of War
Got some nice looking Fog of War system working with sprites (2D)! It might eventually work on mobiles too (although at lower resolution..) *Will be posting it to asset store hopefully within this month.. ** Update 2022: Now after those “few months”, project sources are […]
2D Visibility / Shadow
Started converting this 2D visibility/light script ( http://ncase.me/sight-and-light/ ) to unity, finally some progress! btw. lines are drawn using GLDebug from : http://www.unity3d-france.com/unity/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=24&t=5409 Unity forum thread: http://forum.unity3d.com/threads/2d-visibility-shadow-free.275698/ — TODO: – Quad segments are currently crossed.. – Fix mesh generation *Temporary fix: insert extra boxes outside […]
FOV Using Recursive Shadowcasting
Converted this script to unity: FOV Using Recursive Shadowcasting, for a quick test.. Instructions: – Attach the script to a plane – use Unlit/Texture shader as material (then no need lights..) – Move main camera so that it sees the plane TODO: – Use this […]
2D Grid Fake Shadow
Using the same code from previous 2D Raycasting Visibility Voxel Travelsal, but added dynamic grid array update (using screenshots..), so now the walls (obstacles) are updated realtime on the 2D grid. FEATURES: – Converted the whole thing to C# – Any object visible to camera can […]
Roguelike Shadowcasting
Converted this shadow/visibility to unity: Shadowcasting in c# by Eric Lippert. Looks quite nice. Todo: – How to do ascii map? ( Gui.TextArea is not good..Or just use SetPixels.. Or use invidual planes with textures..) – Try with 3D objects/view? – Try with perlin generated […]
Enemy Visibility Cone (idea)
Testing one visibility cone idea for enemies. (later will check what other solutions there are..) Code: If enemy stays inside blue trigger area (attached to player) then If enemy view angle is towards the player (within view angle range) then Do Linecast(s) to player bounding […]
2D Raycasting Visibility – Voxel Travelsal
Converted this AS3 2D raycast (by Lee Grey) to Unity javascript. (Image: raycast is coming from the middle, hits a wall..) Next: – Use grid array instead of reading pixels from image.. (done) – Try if this is faster compared to the old Raycast visibility […]
Raycast Visibility 2.2
This is just a updated version of the: fake realtime raycast shadows (its not really shadows though..) Features in v2.0 Mesh is pre-build In update loop we just modify the existing vertices (no need to triangulate, create uv’s, etc in every frame) 50000 raycasts starts […]
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