Vortex test
Quick vortex test.. related to this topic: http://forum.unity3d.com/threads/102240-Water-Vortex-Effect. (the model is just normal spindle, which is twisted in the middle..) webplayer: http://unitycoder.com/upload/demos/mvortex1/ download: mVortexOld.unityPackage
WIP: Yet Another Fake Shadow v1.0
Testing shader that casts fake shadows (in unity free version), it takes account your light position/direction. Mostly taken from this: http://www.unifycommunity.com/wiki/index.php?title=Shadow_Volumes_in_Alpha < that works in pro only.. So far can get some shadow or light projected, but getting some artifacts around the caster object and […]
Unity3D 20% discount (until 2nd Sept. 2011)
Just in.. “Unity Pro 3.4’s advanced graphics and collaborative features power the development of some of the hottest titles in online and mobile gaming. For a limited time, you can save 20% when upgrading to Unity Pro (or purchasing Unity iOS or Android publishing) by […]
mBoatWaves v1.0 (fake)
Testing realtime boat waves..very much a “fake system”, but its a concept demo : ) Should be possible to: – Boat to react on waves – Have multiple boats (additive waves) Source is now available, I’ll give up on this for now..its quite bugged and […]
mGroundDigger v1.0
Small test for (fake) digging (2D) ground plane and walking inside the cave. Boulderdash anyone? Info: – Collision checker & mouse hit could be refined..now using just few points for checking – Should be possible to add stone, cannot dig through it – You could […]
mVertexShadows 1.0 (fake)
Testing (fake) vertex shadows (while waiting for unity pro..maybe someday?) In the webplayer the light is directional, not pointlight. So it looks like the shadow is not casted from the light direction. (only direction of the light is taken, not position) But you could use […]
mParticles v2.1 (3ds Max particle animation importer)
Particle animation exporter/importer for 3dsMax to Unity3D Could be useful for all kind of effects. Webplayer: http://unitycoder.com/upload/demos/mParticles1/ Download source: Source will be available for a download later (unless I can make it good enough for asset store..not very likely, since this system has its limitations..) […]
UnityCoder – Unity3D Browser Toolbar
Free toolbar for Unity3D programmers! Current features: – Forum RSS feeds (Helps you to follow forum topics easily) – Answers RSS feeds (Keep on eye for interesting answers) – Unity3D twitter feed (Did you miss the last Unity3D contest? not anymore!) – Links & resources […]
WIP: 3ds Max to Unity Mesh(update#3)
Mesh transfer script from 3DS Max to Unity. It converts 3DSMax mesh to unityscript (javascript), so you have full control over the mesh creation. And whats the point of it? To avoid these: http://answers.unity3d.com/questions/61597/vertex-count-10-times-higher-in-unity.html http://answers.unity3d.com/questions/37435/why-is-unity-got-more-vertices-than-3dsmax.html Using this plugin you get less vertices on your model […]
Function: CubicBezier (2D)
Converted function from this source to Unity. Drawing bezier curves (2D). Download source: CubicBezier.unitypackage
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