Legacy Character To Mecanim (+navPaths)
Legacy Character to Mecanim (+navpath)
*This is just extra notes for the Mecanim Navpath Project, to add new characters easily (from old rigged characters) :
– Download some rigged character from Asset Store
– I’ve tested these ones to work fine so far, they work fine:
(Soldier) https://www.assetstore.unity3d.com/en/#!/content/122
(Monster) : https://www.assetstore.unity3d.com/en/#!/content/2558
(Tiny warrior) : https://www.assetstore.unity3d.com/en/#!/content/16070 *Already mecanim
– Import character to the project [see image#2]
– Select, for example, that soldier from the Project window
– In the Inspector, Rig tab: Set Animation type to: Humanoid [see image#3]
– [x] Optimize game objects (not sure what it does but why not..)
– Hit Apply
– Drag & Drop the character to scene (use the example scene) [see image#4]
– Copy all the components from the example “char_robotGuard_003” character into the soldier gameobject
– In the Animator component, assign: “EnemyAnimator” as the controller
– Hit play and bam! Easy, mecanim animated walking AI agent!
You could then adjust character rigidbody weight, AI speed, so that they wont all move at the same speed..
*if the character is already a mecanim one, you don’t need to do those parts in the import settings, just copy the components and assign controller.
image#2: importing package
image#3: Rig type to Humanoid
image#4: drag & drop character to scene
image#5: Copy these components to the new character (*that Sphere Collider is not used, no need to copy)
*From that small gear dropdown button, you can select “Copy Component”, have to do that 1 by 1..
* Same gear dropdown button has the Paste option:
image#6: Finally assign Controller to Animator component, pick “EnemyAnimator” :
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