Raycast Visibility 2.2
This is just a updated version of the: fake realtime raycast shadows (its not really shadows though..) Features in v2.0 Mesh is pre-build In update loop we just modify the existing vertices (no need to triangulate, create uv’s, etc in every frame) 50000 raycasts starts […]
Fake Water Shader
Testing “fake” water shader & trying to make a nice looking river scene (with unity free version..) Webplayer(s): http://unitycoder.com/upload/demos/mFakeRiver4/ (*7mb) http://unitycoder.com/upload/demos/mFakeRiver5/ Current “features”: Terrain textures & stones are from: Advanced Terrain Shaders v2 Terrain modeled with heightmap, imported to Unity with mTerrain Unity Terrain + […]
2D Wave Map + Vertex Displacement Shader
This is a new test version of the “2D Water/Fluid fx“. (screenshot looks better than the actualk demo : ) Features: – Vertex displacement shader (using the wave data as displacement map) – UV anim + UV mixing for that water (too bad its not […]
Bitmap2Mesh (release v3.0)
Bitmap to 3D Extruded Mesh-script. Related to this forum topic (unity forum link) What it is? It reads bitmap pixel by pixel, checks if pixel alpha value is > 0, then add vertice there (but skip adding, if we are going the same direction) (it […]
Sphere Ninja (proto)
This was made in 4-5hrs, just for a quick test.. Lots of room for improvisation.. also it doesnt do any cutting, just hides the original sphere and instantiates 2 slices with same speed/rotation.. You could make it less fake by creating 8 ready slices from […]
Fake Splat With Particles
Quick test for wall “splat”.. (faking it with particles..) How it (kind of) works: – On mouse click, instantiate splat mesh prefab, random z-rotation – Prefab has mesh particle emitter ([x] one shot, force+random force to give particles varying speeds) – Destroy object after 10 […]
Simple Shadow Casting Algorithm
Converted part of this code into Unity(js) : A Simple Algorithm For Casting Shadows Screenshot info: – Red lines = from camera to vertex – Green lines = from vertex to ground – Blue lines = shadow plane vertices (no plane on this version yet, […]
Ray Tracing & Photon Mapping (Unity3D C#)
Converting some ray tracing code from java/processing (original source by Grant Schindler/2007) 1st version works fine already, just missing the user interactions.. (and its quite slow at the moment) Current progress: v1.0 – 512×512 render: time 23.65258s (got it down to 16.54801s, if disable preview […]
Bresenham’s line algorithm (Unity javascript)
* image from wikipedia, public domain Converted this function to Unity javascript: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bresenham%27s_line_algorithm Notes:It works.. Webplayer:http://unitycoder.com/upload/demos/Bresenhamline/ Download webplayer source:Bresenham.unitypackage old unityscript sourcehttps://gist.github.com/unitycoder/90f0f1896e38a13d98e3d0c84ea45789
Xiaolin Wu’s line algorithm to Unity Javascript
Converted this function to Unity3D Javascript : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xiaolin_Wu%27s_line_algorithm (Still has few bugs left..see that vertical line in screenshot..) Webplayer: coming later Can anyone find the error in this code? Why doesnt it draw vertical lines..? !note, couple lines are commented out, swapping x<>y, if I […]
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