River Mesh Generator
Testing river mesh generation, idea is from forum topic: http://forum.unity3d.com/threads/225561-Is-there-any-way-to-have-a-river-flow-without-flow-maps?p=1502875 Webplayer: http://unitycoder.com/upload/demos/RiverMeshMakerUnity/ Features: – Start point, length, width, segment length, adjustable x-position (middle of the river), in the screenshot using Mathf.Cos(#) – Each piece/segment has UV (0,0 to 1,1) so can scroll the texture to […]
Get Custom Properties from 3dsMax FBX model
Maybe not from the fbx file itself (?), but each object can have custom properties, and Unity can read them on import. Exporting FBX from 3ds Max with Custom Properties – Right click on the object – Select Object Properties – Type custom properties to […]
TerraVol + Photon Networking
Had to test it, how it would work if connect TerraVol with Photon.. Surprisingly it only took few clicks! Webplayer demo: coming later Notes – Import/Open TerraVol project (needs to be purchased from assetstore) – Import Photon networking http://u3d.as/content/exit-games/photon-unity-networking-free/2ey – Setup photon (follow instructions, mainly […]
Scorched Earth Terrain (wip)
This is another thing that i’ve always wanted to try in Unity, Scorched Earth deformable collapsing terrain (youtube link). Ideas: 1 – Using SetPixels() with texture would most likely be easiest, just slow on bigger resolutions (but no need high resolution for this anyways?) 2 […]
Unity 4.2!
*Unity 4.2 splash image (took few tries to catch it with printscreen..Oo) Download: http://unity3d.com/unity/download/archive Whats new: http://unity3d.com/unity/whats-new/unity-4.2 Most interesting on first look (for me at least) – Free Basic licenses – Free directional light shadows (one directional light only; hard shadows only) – Shuriken: Collision […]
Basic Illumination Model C#
Converted this script to unity: Basic Illumination Model by andalmeida. Problems / info: – Converted most of the values to floats.. because Mathf.Max() didnt like doubles.. i guess could had made some extension to it.. (maybe thats why there are some artifacts) – Specularity didnt […]
RAIN{indie} AI: Simple Waypoints Tutorial (1)
Made a small tutorial pdf while testing RAIN{indie} AI system. (its free and works with unity indie!) Going to try to implement it on the perlin dungeons later and have to try rest of the features too (like navmesh). Goal of the tutorial was to […]
Fake Blur Ideas for Unity Indie
Lets say we have a single colored mesh like in the image above and we want to blur it (with unity indie..).. Ideas to try: Glow effect shader? (no glow in indie..but can have something similar, doesnt work with planes yet..) Take screenshot of the […]
Radial Blur Shader
Using the same godrays shader, you get nice radial blur effect for images. This one is also modified to use objectUV, instead of screenUV, so you can rotate the plane around.. Webplayer: http://unitycoder.com/upload/demos/Radial_Blur_shader_unity/ *webplayer broken in current unity webplayer version? Shader source:
Conversations with Apple Support :)
So I was trying to access one apple developer link the other day, but the link didnt work. I reported it to the support, which then replied: I am following up with you regarding your issue accessing Link. Please be advised that we recommend using […]
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